Bytescout.PDF Namespace
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Class | Description | |
Action | Represents an abstract class for the PDF actions. | |
ActionCollection | Represents a collection of actions. | |
Annotation | Represents an abstract class for annotation objects. | |
AnnotationBorderEffect | Represents a class for the border effect of annotations. | |
AnnotationBorderStyle | Represents a class for the border style of annotations. | |
AnnotationCollections | Represents a collection of annotations. | |
Brush | Represents the abstract Brush, which contains the basic functionality of a Brush. | |
ButtonField | Represents an abstract class for button fields. | |
Canvas | Represents class for a canvas (a two-dimensional region on which all painting occurs). | |
CaretAnnotation | Represents a caret annotation. | |
CheckBox | Represents a check box field in the PDF form. | |
ChoiceField | Represents an abstract class for choice fields. | |
ChoiceItems | Represents a collection of Bytescout.PDF.ChoiceField items. | |
CircleAnnotation | Represents a circle annotation. | |
Color | Represents an abstract class for PDF color. | |
ColorCMYK | Represents a color in a CMYK color space. | |
ColoredTilingBrush | Represents a colored tiling Brush. | |
ColoredTilingPen | Represents a colored tiling pen. | |
ColorGray | Represents a color in a Gray color space. | |
ColorICC | Represents class for an ICC color profile. | |
ColorRGB | Represents a color in an RGB color space. | |
Colorspace | Represents an abstract class for color spaces. | |
ComboBox | Represents a combo box field in the PDF Form. | |
ComHelpers | Class containing helping methods to use the SDK as ActiveX object from VBScript, VBA, VB6, Delphi, Visual C++. | |
DashPattern | Represents class for a line dash pattern. The line dash pattern controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. | |
Destination | Represents a destination in the PDF document for links, bookmarks, and other interactive PDF features. | |
DeviceCMYKColorspace | Represents Device CMYK color space. | |
DeviceColor | Represents an abstract class for color in a Device color space. | |
DeviceGrayColorspace | Represents Device Gray color space. | |
DeviceRGBColorspace | Represents Device RGB color space. | |
Document | Represents a PDF document. | |
DocumentInformation | Represents class for a PDF document's metadata. | |
DocumentSummary | Represents class for a PDF document's summary. | |
DocumentSummaryUtils | ||
EditBox | Represents a text box field in the PDF form. | |
EmbeddedFile | Represents the embedded file. | |
EmbeddedFilesCollection | Represents the collection of embedded files. | |
Field | Represents an abstract class for fields of the PDF document's interactive form. | |
FieldCollection | Represents collection of fields. | |
FieldsSummary | Represents class for a PDF fields's summary. | |
FileAttachmentAnnotation | Represents a file attachment annotation. | |
Font | Represents a font in the PDF document. | |
FormFieldSummary | Represents class for a form field's summary. | |
FreeTextAnnotation | Represents a free text annotation. | |
GoTo3DViewAction | Represents an action which sets the current view of a 3D annotation. | |
GoToAction | Represents an action which goes to a destination in the current document. | |
GoToEmbeddedAction | Represents an action which goes to a destination in an embedded file. | |
GoToRemoteAction | Represents an action which goes to a destination in another document. | |
GraphicsTemplate | Represents a graphics template. | |
HideAction | Represents an action which hides or shows one or more controls on the screen. | |
HighlightAnnotation | Represents a highlight annotation. | |
ICCBasedColorspace | Represents class for an ICC color profile. | |
Image | Represents class for an image that is suitable for use with the PDF document. | |
ImportDataAction | Represents an action which imports Forms Data Format (FDF) data into the document’s interactive form from a specified file. | |
InkAnnotation | Represents an ink annotation. | |
InkList | Represents a collection of Bytescout.PDF.PointsArray, each representing a stroked path of ink annotation. | |
InvalidPasswordException | Represents the exception thrown when a wrong password is used to open the PDF document. | |
JavaScriptAction | Represents an action which performs a JavaScript action in the PDF document. | |
LaunchAction | Represents an action which launches an application or opens a document. | |
Layer | Represents a layer in a PDF document. | |
LayerCollection | Represents a collection of layers. | |
LicenseInfo | License information. | |
LineAnnotation | Represents a line annotation. | |
LinkAnnotation | Represents a link annotation. | |
ListBox | Represents a list box field of the PDF form. | |
Logger | ||
MarkupAnnotation | Represents an abstract class for markup annotations. | |
Movie | Represents a movie used in the PDF document. | |
MovieAction | Represents an action which plays a movie in a floating window or within the annotation rectangle of a movie annotation. | |
MovieActivation | Represents the class specifying whether and how to play the movie when the movie annotation is activated. | |
MovieAnnotation | Represents a movie annotation. | |
NamedAction | Represents an action which performs the named action. | |
OptionalContentConfiguration | Represents an optional content configuration for PDF processing of applications or features. | |
OptionalContentGroup | Represents a group for optional content group. | |
OptionalContentGroupItem | Represents an abstract class for all optional content group items. | |
OptionalContentGroupLabel | Represents a label for optional content group. | |
OptionalContentGroupLayer | Represents a layer for optional content group. | |
OptionalContents | Represents the document's optional content properties. | |
Outline | Represents a PDF outline item (bookmark). | |
OutlinesCollection | Represents the collection of outlines. | |
Page | Represents a PDF document page. | |
PageCollection | Represents a collection of pages of a document. | |
PageLabel | Represents a PDF page label item. | |
PageLabelsCollection | Represents the collection of page labels. | |
PaperSizes | ||
PasswordManager | Represents the class for verifying the password. | |
Path | Represents a graphics path, which is a sequence of primitive graphics elements. | |
PDFBorderEffectIntensityException | ||
PDFException | Represents general PDF exception. | |
PDFFieldNameOccupied | ||
PDFInvalidDocumentException | ||
PDFInvalidICCException | ||
PDFMiterLimitException | ||
PDFNotEqualColorspacesException | ||
PDFOpacityException | ||
PDFUnableLoadFontException | ||
PDFUndefinedEncryptorFilterException | ||
PDFUnsupportedSoundFormatException | ||
PDFUnsupportEncryptorException | ||
PDFUnsupportFontFormatException | ||
PDFUnsupportImageFormat | ||
PDFVolumeException | ||
PDFWrongFontFileException | ||
Pen | Represents the abstract pen, which contains the basic functionality of a pen. | |
PointsArray | Represents a collection of points. | |
PolygonAnnotation | Represents a polygon annotation. | |
PolygonPolylineAnnotation | Represents an abstract class for polygon and polyline annotations. | |
PolylineAnnotation | Represents a polyline annotation. | |
ProfileException | ||
PushButton | Represents push button field in the PDF form. | |
RadioButton | Represents a radio button field in the PDF form. | |
ReadOnlyCollectionT | Represents a read only collection. | |
RenditionAction | Represents an action controlling the playing of multimedia content. | |
ResetFormAction | Represents the PDF form's reset action. Remarks | |
RubberStampAnnotation | Represents a rubber stamp annotation. | |
ScreenAnnotation | Represents a screen annotation. | |
Security | Represents the options to control the PDF document security options. | |
SetOptionalContentGroupsStateAction | Represents an action which sets the states of optional content groups. | |
SolidBrush | Represents a Brush that fills any object with a solid color. | |
SolidPen | Represents a solid pen. | |
Sound | Represents a sound embedded into the PDF document. Remarks | |
SoundAction | Represents the sound action. | |
SoundAnnotation | Represents a sound annotation. | |
SquareAnnotation | Represents a square annotation. | |
SquareCircleAnnotation | Represents an abstract class for square and circle annotations. | |
SquigglyAnnotation | Represents a squiggly annotation. | |
StrikeOutAnnotation | Represents a strike out annotation. | |
StringFormat | Represents the text layout information. | |
SubmitFormAction | Represents the PDF form's submit action. | |
Table | Represents the table. | |
TableColumn | Represents the table column. | |
TableColumnCollection | Represents a collection of columns of a table. | |
TableElement | Represents the a cell of the table. | |
TableRow | Represents the table row. | |
TableRowCollection | Represents a collection of rows of a table. | |
TextAnnotation | Represents a text annotation. | |
TextMarkupAnnotation | Represents an abstract class for text markup annotations. | |
TextWatermark | Represents a text watermark. | |
ThreadAction | Represents an action which jumps to a specified bead on an article thread. | |
ThreeDAnnotation | Represents a 3D annotation. | |
ThreeDData | Represents a 3D data (.u3d) in PDF document. | |
TransitionAction | Represents an action which can be used to control drawing during a sequence of actions. | |
UncoloredTilingBrush | Represents an uncolored tiling Brush. | |
UncoloredTilingPen | Represents an uncolored tiling pen. | |
UnderlineAnnotation | Represents an underline annotation. | |
URIAction | Represents an action which resolves a unique resource identifier. | |
ViewerPreferences | Represents the class for the PDF viewer application preferences. | |
Watermark | Represents the abstract watermark, which contains the basic functionality of a watermark. | |
WatermarkCollection | ||
Widget | Represents an abstract class for widget annotations. |
Enumeration | Description | |
ActionType | Specifies type of Bytescout.PDF.PDFAction. | |
AnnotationType | Specifies type of Bytescout.PDF.Annotation. | |
BlendMode | Specifies standard blend modes available in the PDF. | |
BorderEffect | Specifies an effect to be applied to the border of the annotations. | |
BorderStyle | Specifies a border style of the annotations. | |
CaretSymbol | Specifies a symbol to be associated with the caret. | |
Compression | Specifies compression filter. | |
Direction | Specifies predominant reading order for text. | |
EncryptionAlgorithm | Specifies encryption algorithm. | |
FileAttachmentAnnotationIcon | Specifies the icon to be used in displaying Bytescout.PDF.FileAttachmentAnnotation. | |
FillMode | Specifies the method used to fill a path. | |
FullScreenPageMode | Specifies how to display the document on exiting full-screen mode. | |
HorizontalAlign | Specifies the horizontal alignment. | |
ImageCompression | Specifies compression filter. | |
LineCapStyle | Specifies the shape to be used at the ends of open subpaths (and dashes, if any) when they are stroked. | |
LineCaptionType | Specifies the line caption type. | |
LineEndingStyle | Specifies the end of line style. | |
LineJoinStyle | Specifies the shape of joints between connected segments of a stroked path. | |
LinkAnnotationHighlightingMode | Specifies the visual effect of Bytescout.PDF.LinkAnnotation to be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area. | |
MovieOperation | Specifies the operation to be performed on the movie. | |
MoviePlayMode | Specifies the play mode for playing the movie. | |
NamedActions | Specifies the available named actions supported by the viewer. | |
OptionalContentGroupItemType | Specifies the optional content group item type. | |
OptionalContentState | Specifies the optional content group's state. | |
PageLayout | Specifies the page layout to be used when the document is opened. | |
PageMode | Specifies how the document should be displayed when opened. | |
PageNumberingStyle | Specifies the numbering style to be used for the numeric portion of each page label. | |
PaperFormat | Specifies the standard paper sizes. | |
PaperOrientation | Specifies paper orientation. | |
PrintQuality | Specifies print quality. | |
PushButtonHighlightingMode | Specifies the visual effect of the Bytescout.PDF.PushButton to be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area. | |
RenderingIntentType | Specifies rendering intent. | |
RotationAngle | Specifies the rotation angle. | |
RubberStampAnnotationIcon | Specifies the icon to be used in displaying Bytescout.PDF.RubberStampAnnotation. | |
SoundAnnotationIcon | Specifies the icon to be used in displaying Bytescout.PDF.SoundAnnotation. | |
SoundEncoding | Specifies the encoding format for the sample data. | |
StandardFonts | Specifies the standard PDF font families. | |
SubmitDataFormat | Specifies a submit data format. | |
SubmitMethod | Specifies how control names and values are submitted. | |
TableBorderStyle | Specifies a border style for the table. | |
TextAlign | Specifies the horizontal alignment of text. | |
TextAnnotationIcon | Specifies the icon to be used in displaying Bytescout.PDF.TextAnnotation. | |
TextWatermarkLocation | Represents the text watermark location and orientation. | |
TilingType | Specifies adjustments to the spacing of tiles relative to the device pixel grid. | |
UnitOfMeasure | Specifies the unit of measure for the given data. | |
VerticalAlign | Specifies the vertical alignment. | |
ZoomMode | Specifies zoom type. |