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IReader Properties

The IReader type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowOrphanedSupplementals
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow orphaned supplemental barcodes to be decoded.
Public propertyCode exampleBarcodeTypesToFind
Gets or sets the barcode types to search for.
Public propertyColorConversionMode
Colors conversion mode. Default is ImageBlocks.
Public propertyContrast
Image contrast adjustment. Valid values from -100 to 100. Default is 0 (no adjustment).
Public propertyCustomArea
Gets or sets custom scan area to find barcodes within.
Public propertyCustomAreaHeight
Gets or sets height of custom scan area to find barcodes within.
Public propertyCustomAreaLeft
Gets or sets leftmost position of custom scan area to find barcodes within.
Public propertyCustomAreaTop
Gets or sets topmost position of custom scan area to find barcodes within.
Public propertyCustomAreaWidth
Gets or sets width of custom scan area to find barcodes within.
Public propertyDecoderSpecificOptions
Fine-tuning options for specific barcode decoders. May affect the decoding speed at the cost of reliability.
Public propertyDecodingTimeOut
Timeout (in milliseconds) for the decoding process for one barcode type and per page. Default is 0 (zero), disabled. Set to timeout in milliseconds to check timeout time while decoding. If decoding takes longer than timeout then the SDK aborts decoding and throws BarcodeReaderDecodingTimeoutException is thrown.
Public propertyFastMode
Gets or set the "fast" mode for linear (1D) barcode types. Works faster but the recognition confidence is worse. Use with barcode images of perfect quality.
Public propertyFoundBarcodes
Gets the array of all barcodes found during last find.
Public propertyFoundCount
Retrieves number of all barcodes found during last find.
Public propertyHeuristicMode
Automatic analysis mode that tries to find fuzzy barcodes by variating internal parameters.
Public propertyImagePreprocessingFilters
Collection of image processing filters applied to image before the barcode decoding. Allows to add multiple filters. Note, the order of adding does matter.
Public propertyLastDecodingTime
Gets the time that last decoding process took.
Public propertyLastDecodingTimeOutExceeded
This property indicates if last decoding timeout was exceeded (and the decoding was aborted) so results may lack some barcodes. To enable the timeout set DecodingTimeOut to non-zero value (in milliseconds).
Public propertyLicenseInfo
Gets license information.
Public propertyMaxNumberOfBarcodesPerDocument
Max number of barcodes to find in document. Default is 0 (unlimited number of barcodes).
Public propertyMaxNumberOfBarcodesPerPage
Max number of barcodes to find on document page. Default is 0 (unlimited number of barcodes) If you know number of barcodes on the page then you can set this number to save time and make reading faster.
Public propertyMediumTrustLevelCompatible
Gets or sets a value indicating medium trust level compatibility.
Public propertyMinimalDataLength
Gets or sets the minimal acceptable length of decoded data.
Public propertyNoiseRemovalFilterSize
Block size of noise removal filter. Default is 1.
Public propertyNoiseRemovalFilterType
Noise removal filter type, Blur or Median. Default is Blur.
Public propertyOptimizedProcessingOfLargeImagesObsolete.
(!) Obsolete. Please use ImagePreprocessingFilters to add the scaling. Get or set optimized processing of large images. Faster but may fail on some fuzzy barcodes.
Public propertyOptimizedProcessingOfLargeImagesSizeLimitObsolete.
(!) Obsolete. Please use ImagePreprocessingFilters to add the scaling. Size limit for optimized processing of large images.
Public propertyCode exampleOrientation
Gets or sets the barcode orientations to search.
Public propertyPDFFontSmoothing
Gets or sets whether the font smoothing in PDF is enabled. Default is true.
Public propertyPDFOptimizeSplittedParts
Removes unused resources from splitted PDF document parts.
Public propertyPDFReadingMode
Gets or sets the PDF reading mode: PDFReadingMode.RenderPDF (0, default) - render whole page to image, then search for barcodes; PDFReadingMode.ExtractEmbeddedImagesOnly - (1) - extract images, then search for barcodes.
Public propertyPDFRenderImages
Gets or sets whether to render raster image objects in PDF documents. true by default.
Public propertyPDFRenderingResolution
Gets or sets the PDF rendering resolution. Default is 200 DPI.
Public propertyPDFRenderText
Gets or sets whether to render text objects (font-drawn objects) in PDF documents. true by default.
Public propertyPDFRenderVectors
Gets or sets whether to render vector objects in PDF documents. true by default.
Public propertyProfiles
Comma-separated list of profiles to apply to the Reader. Profiles are sets of properties and methods represented as JSON string. Check the source code examples installed with the SDK.
Public propertyRegistrationKey
Gets or sets the key part of registration information.
Public propertyRegistrationName
Gets or sets the name part of the registration information.
Public propertyRemoveNoize
Removes noise from the image being processed. Use this option with bad quality scanned images.
Public propertyRequireQuietZones
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to require "quiet zones" before and after barcode. "Quiet zone" is a whitespace with width larger or equal to one symbol width.
Public propertyScanArea
Gets or sets the preset type of the scan area.
Public propertyScanStep
Scan interval for linear (1-dimensional) barcodes. Default is 1 (every bitmap row will be scanned).
Public propertySearchNegativeObsolete.
(!) Obsolete. Please use ImagePreprocessingFilters to add the negative filter. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to search for negative barcodes.
Public propertyTextEncoding
Text Encoding to decode barcode value. Set to System.Text.Encoding.Default by default (i.e. set to the default locale code page according to the Windows you run the SDK on). You may override this value like: reader.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1250); // to use German locale to decode text ActiveX interface: please use .TextEncodingCodePage property instead
Public propertyTextEncodingCodePage
property for use via ActiveX interface: get or set CodePage to change code page to decode barcode text. This value is set to default code page value for this computer You may override this value like: reader.TextEncodingCodePage = 1250; // to use German locale to decode text .NET interface: please use .TextEncoding property instead Some of available code pages are listed below for your reference: Name CodePage BodyName HeaderName WebName Encoding.EncodingName shift_jis 932 iso-2022-jp iso-2022-jp shift_jis Japanese (Shift-JIS) windows-1250 1250 iso-8859-2 windows-1250 windows-1250 Central European (Windows) windows-1251 1251 koi8-r windows-1251 windows-1251 Cyrillic (Windows) Windows-1252 1252 iso-8859-1 Windows-1252 Windows-1252 Western European (Windows) windows-1253 1253 iso-8859-7 windows-1253 windows-1253 Greek (Windows) windows-1254 1254 iso-8859-9 windows-1254 windows-1254 Turkish (Windows) csISO2022JP 50221 iso-2022-jp iso-2022-jp csISO2022JP Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana) iso-2022-kr 50225 iso-2022-kr euc-kr iso-2022-kr Korean (ISO)
Public propertyTextEncodingUseUTF8
ActiveX interface: Enables UTF8 text encoding for use for barcode value decoding .NET interface: Use .TextEncoding property and set it to System.Text.Encoding.UTF8 if you need to
Public propertyVersion
Gets the component version number.
See Also
