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MarkerStyle Enumeration

All possible style for a marker drawn at each data point.

Assembly: Bytescout.Spreadsheet (in Bytescout.Spreadsheet.dll) Version:
public enum MarkerStyle
Member nameValueDescription
Automatic-4105 Automatic markers
Circle8 Specifies a circle shall be drawn at each data point.
Dash-4115 Specifies a dash shall be drawn at each data point.
Diamond2 Specifies a diamond shall be drawn at each data point.
Dot-4118 Specifies a dot shall be drawn at each data point.
None-4142 Specifies nothing shall be drawn at each data point.
Picture-4147 Specifies a picture shall be drawn at each data point.
Plus9 Specifies a plus shall be drawn at each data point.
Square1 Specifies a square shall be drawn at each data point.
Star5 Specifies a star shall be drawn at each data point.
Triangle3 Specifies a triangle shall be drawn at each data point.
X-4168 Specifies an X shall be drawn at each data point.
See Also
