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Cell Properties

The Cell type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlignmentHorizontal
Gets or sets a horizontal text alignment style of the cell.
Public propertyAlignmentVertical
Gets or sets the vertical text alignment style of the cell.
Public propertyBottomBorderColor
Gets or sets the color of the bottom border.
Public propertyBottomBorderStyle
Gets or sets the bottom border style.
Public propertyCellFormat
Gets or sets the cell format.
Public propertyColIndex
Column index.
Public propertyContainsArrayFormula
Gets a value indicating whether this cell contains an array formula.
Public propertyDiagonalBorderColor
Gets or sets the color of the diagonal border.
Public propertyDiagonalBorderStyle
Gets or sets the diagonal border style.
Public propertyFillPattern
Gets or sets the fill pattern.
Public propertyCode exampleFillPatternBackColor
Gets or sets the background color for a fill pattern.
Public propertyFillPatternBackColorOLE
OLE/COM version of FillPatternBackColor property for environments with the late object binding, like VBScript.
Public propertyCode exampleFillPatternForeColor
Gets or sets the foreground color for a fill pattern.
Public propertyFillPatternForeColorOLE
OLE/COM version of FillPatternForeColor property for environments with the late object binding, like VBScript.
Public propertyFont
Gets or sets the font of the cell.
Public propertyFontColor
Gets or sets the color of the font.
Public propertyFontColorIndex
Gets or sets the index of the font color.
Public propertyFontEscapement
Gets or sets the font escapement.
Public propertyFontUnderline
Gets or sets the font underline style.
Public propertyFormula
Gets or sets the formula for the cell.
Public propertyHiddenFormula
Gets or sets a value indicating whether formula is hidden.
Public propertyIndent
Gets or sets the Indent value for the cell.
Public propertyIsDiagonalDownLine
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is diagonal line from top left to right bottom
Public propertyIsDiagonalUpLine
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is diagonal line from bottom left to right top
Public propertyIsInteger
Gets a value indicating whether this Cell contains integer number.
Public propertyLeftBorderColor
Gets or sets the color of the left border.
Public propertyLeftBorderStyle
Gets or sets the left border style.
Public propertyLocked
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this IExtFormat is locked.
Public propertyMerged
Gets a value indicating whether this Cell is merged.
Public propertyMergedWith
Gets the Range merged with this cell.
Public propertyMergedWithCell
Gets the top left cell of Range merged this with cell.
Public propertyNumberFormatString
Gets or sets the number format string.
Public propertyRightBorderColor
Gets or sets the color of the right border.
Public propertyRightBorderStyle
Gets or sets the right border style.
Public propertyRotation
Gets or sets the text rotation angle for the cell.
Public propertyRowIndex
Row index.
Public propertyShrinkToFit
Gets or sets a value indicating shrink content to fit into cell.
Public propertyTextDirection
Gets or sets the reading order.
Public propertyTopBorderColor
Gets or sets the color of the top border.
Public propertyTopBorderStyle
Gets or sets the top border style.
Public propertyValidation
Gets the Validation object that represents data validation for the specified cell.
Public propertyValue
Gets or sets the value of cell.
Public propertyValueAsBoolean
Gets a value as boolean.
Public propertyValueAsDateTime
Gets or sets the value as date time, see type DateTime
Public propertyValueAsDouble
Gets the value as double.
Public propertyValueAsExcelDisplays
Returns the formatted string value of the cell in the sam way you would see in Excel or another spreadsheet editor. Formatting uses the NumberFormatType settings to format the value.
Public propertyValueAsHTML
Gets or sets the formatted text (Rich-Text) in HTML coded format
Public propertyValueAsInteger
Gets the value as integer.
Public propertyValueAsString
Returns the formatted string value of the cell in the sam way you would see in Excel or another spreadsheet editor. Formatting uses the NumberFormatType settings to format the value or NumberFormatString format string.
Public propertyValueAsUnformattedString
Gets the value as unformatted string.
Public propertyValueDataType
Gets the type of the value data.
Public propertyValueDataTypeByNumberFormatString
Gets or sets the type (NumberFormatType) of the number format.
Public propertyWrap
Gets or sets a value indicating a text is wrapped.
See Also
