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IMultimediaExtractor Methods

The IMultimediaExtractor type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetCurrent3DAsArrayOfBytes
Returns current 3D animation as array of bytes.
Public methodGetCurrent3DAsVariant
Returns current 3D animation as COM/ActiveX-compatible array of bytes ('Variant()').
Public methodGetCurrent3DBytesSize
Returns size of current 3D animation.
Public methodGetCurrent3DExtension
Gets the current 3D animation file extension.
Public methodGetCurrent3DType
Gets the type of the current 3D animation.
Public methodGetCurrentAudioAsArrayOfBytes
Returns current audio as array of bytes.
Public methodGetCurrentAudioAsVariant
Returns current audio as COM/ActiveX-compatible array of bytes ('Variant()').
Public methodGetCurrentAudioBytesSize
Returns size of current audio.
Public methodGetCurrentAudioExtension
Gets the current audio file extension.
Public methodGetCurrentAudioType
Gets the type of the current audio.
Public methodGetCurrentVideoAsArrayOfBytes
Returns current video as array of bytes.
Public methodGetCurrentVideoAsVariant
Returns current video as COM/ActiveX-compatible array of bytes ('Variant()').
Public methodGetCurrentVideoBytesSize
Returns size of current video.
Public methodGetCurrentVideoExtension
Gets the current video file extension.
Public methodGetCurrentVideoType
Gets the type of the current video.
Public methodGetDocument3DCount
Returns count of 3D animations in the document.
Public methodGetDocumentAudioCount
Returns count of audios in the document.
Public methodGetDocumentVideoCount
Returns count of videos in the document.
Public methodGetFirst3D
Initializes enumeration of 3D animations in the document. If GetFirst3D() returned true, you can get the video using SaveCurrent3D*() or GetCurrent3D*() methods.
Public methodGetFirstAudio
Initializes enumeration of audios in the document. If GetFirstVideo() returned true, you can get the video using SaveCurrentAudio*() or GetCurrentAudio*() methods.
Public methodGetFirstVideo
Initializes enumeration of videos in the document. If GetFirstVideo() returned true, you can get the video using SaveCurrentVideo*() or GetCurrentVideo*() methods.
Public methodGetNext3D
Advances 3D animations enumeration to next 3D animation object. If GetNext3D() returned true, you can get the 3D animation using SaveCurrent3D*() or GetCurrent3D*() methods.
Public methodGetNextAudio
Advances audio enumeration to next video. If GetNextAudio() returned true, you can get the video using SaveCurrentAudio*() or GetCurrentAudio*() methods.
Public methodGetNextVideo
Advances video enumeration to next video. If GetNextVideo() returned true, you can get the video using SaveCurrentVideo*() or GetCurrentVideo*() methods.
Public methodSaveCurrent3DToFile
Saves current 3D animation to file with specified name.
Public methodSaveCurrent3DToStream
Saves current 3D animation to provided stream.
Public methodSaveCurrentAudioToFile
Saves current audio to file with specified name.
Public methodSaveCurrentAudioToStream
Saves current audio to provided stream.
Public methodSaveCurrentVideoToFile
Saves current video to file with specified name.
Public methodSaveCurrentVideoToStream
Saves current video to provided stream.
See Also
