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DocumentSplitter Methods

The DocumentSplitter type exposes the following members.

Public methodDispose
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExtractPage(Stream, Stream, Int32)
Extracts specified page from PDF or TIFF document to separate file.
Public methodExtractPage(String, String, Int32)
Extracts specified page from PDF or TIFF document to separate file.
Public methodExtractPageRange(Stream, Stream, Int32, Int32)
Extracts specified page range from PDF or TIFF document to separate file.
Public methodExtractPageRange(String, String, Int32, Int32)
Extracts specified page range from PDF or TIFF document to separate file.
Public methodExtractPageRangeToVariant
Extracts specified page range from PDF or TIFF document to separate file and returns the result documents as array of bytes. This is COM/ActiveX-compatible version of the method ExtractPageRange(Stream, Stream, Int32, Int32) for in-memory processing of PDF or TIFF files.
Public methodExtractPageToVariant
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetPageCount(Stream)
Returns count of pages in PDF or TIFF document.
Public methodGetPageCount(String)
Returns count of pages in PDF or TIFF document.
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemovePage(Stream, Stream, Int32)
Removes specified page from PDF or TIFF document.
Public methodRemovePage(String, String, Int32)
Removes specified page from PDF or TIFF document.
Public methodRemovePageRange(Stream, Stream, Int32, Int32)
Removes specified page range from PDF or TIFF document to separate file.
Public methodRemovePageRange(String, String, Int32, Int32)
Removes specified page range from PDF or TIFF document to separate file.
Public methodRemovePageRangeToVariant
Removes specified page range from PDF or TIFF document to separate file and returns the result documents as array of bytes. This is COM/ActiveX-compatible version of the method RemovePageRange(Stream, Stream, Int32, Int32) for in-memory processing of PDF or TIFF files.
Public methodRemovePageToVariant
Removes specified page from PDF or TIFF document and returns the result documents as array of bytes. This is COM/ActiveX-compatible version of the method RemovePage(Stream, Stream, Int32) for in-memory processing of PDF or TIFF files.
Public methodRemoveUnusedResources(String)
Removes unused resources from specified PDF document. This method is called internally when OptimizeSplittedDocuments property is true, so you may need it to optimize documents previously splitted without the optimization.
Public methodRemoveUnusedResources(Stream, Stream)
Removes unused resources from PDF document. This method is called internally when OptimizeSplittedDocuments property is true, so you may need it to optimize documents previously splitted without the optimization.
Public methodSplit(Stream, String)
Splits PDF or TIFF document to multiple documents according to the specified ranges.
Public methodSplit(String, String)
Splits PDF or TIFF document to multiple documents according to specified ranges.
Public methodSplit(String, String, String)
Splits PDF or TIFF document to multiple documents according to specified ranges.
Public methodSplit(Stream, Stream, Stream, Int32)
Splits specified PDF or TIFF document to two documents at specified page.
Public methodSplit(String, String, String, Int32)
Splits specified PDF or TIFF document to two documents at specified page.
Public methodSplitCOM(String, String)
Splits PDF or TIFF document to multiple documents according to specified ranges. The COM/ActiveX-compatible version of the method Split(String, String). Returns a string with the file names of the generated PDF documents delimited by the line feed '\n'.
Public methodSplitCOM(String, String, String)
Splits PDF or TIFF document to multiple documents according to specified ranges. The COM/ActiveX-compatible version of the method Split(String, String). Returns a string with the file names of the generated PDF documents delimited by the line feed '\n'.
Public methodSplitToVariant
Splits PDF or TIFF document to multiple documents according to the specified ranges and returns the result PDF documents as array of bytes. This is COM/ActiveX-compatible version of the method Split(Stream, String) for in-memory processing of PDF files.
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
See Also
