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IBarcode Methods

The IBarcode type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddDecorationImage(Image, Int32)
Add decorative image to draw in the center of the barcode. (!) Supported with QR Code only.
Public methodAddDecorationImage(String, Int32)
Add decorative image to draw in the center of the barcode. (!) Supported with QR Code only.
Public methodCreateProfile(String)
Creates JSON profile will all Barcode properties with current values.
Public methodCreateProfile(String, String)
Creates JSON profile will all Barcode properties with current values.
Public methodDraw(Graphics, Point)
Draws the barcode on Graphics canvas object.
Public methodDraw(Graphics, Single, Single, UnitOfMeasure)
Draws the barcode.
Public methodDrawHDC(IntPtr, Int32, Int32)
Draws the barcode on HDC canvas object.
Public methodDrawHDC(IntPtr, Single, Single, UnitOfMeasure)
Draws the barcode on HDC graphics context.
Public methodDrawImagesToPDF(Stream, Stream, DrawImagesToPDFCallback)
Utility method allowing to draw any image on specified page of PDF document.
Public methodDrawImagesToPDF(String, String, DrawImagesToPDFCallback)
Utility method allowing to draw any image on specified page of PDF document.
Public methodDrawImagesToPDF(Stream, Int32, Image, Point, Stream)
Utility method allowing to draw any image on specified page of PDF document.
Public methodDrawImagesToPDF(String, Int32, Image, Point, String)
Utility method allowing to draw any image on specified page of PDF document.
Public methodDrawImagesToPDF(Stream, Int32, Image, Point, Stream, String)
Utility method allowing to draw any image on specified page of PDF document.
Public methodDrawImagesToPDF(String, Int32, Image, Point, String, String)
Utility method allowing to draw any image on specified page of PDF document.
Public methodDrawToImage(Stream, Int32, Int32, Int32, Stream)
Draws barcode to image at specified coordinates.
Public methodDrawToImage(String, Int32, Int32, Int32, String)
Draws barcode to image at specified coordinates.
Public methodDrawToNewPDF(String)
Creates new PDF document and draws barcode on it.
Public methodDrawToNewPDF(String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Creates new PDF document and draws barcode on it.
Public methodDrawToPDF(Stream, Int32, Int32, Int32, Stream)
Draws barcode on specified page of PDF document.
Public methodDrawToPDF(String, Int32, Int32, Int32, String)
Draws barcode on specified page of PDF document.
Public methodFitInto(Size)
IMPORTANT: Call this method AFTER setting the barcode value. Fits the barcode into the area of size specified in pixels. Calling this method will change output size of the barcode. Barcode size will be increased in order to occupy all of the area.
Public methodFitInto(SizeF, UnitOfMeasure)
IMPORTANT: Call this method AFTER setting the barcode value. Fits the barcode into the area of size specified in units. Calling this method will change output size of the barcode. Barcode size will be increased in order to occupy all of the area.
Public methodFitInto(Int32, Int32)
IMPORTANT: Call this method AFTER setting the barcode value. Fits the barcode into the area of size specified in pixels. Calling this method will change output size of the barcode. Barcode size will be increased in order to occupy all of the area.
Public methodFitInto(Single, Single, UnitOfMeasure)
IMPORTANT: Call this method AFTER setting the barcode value. Fits the barcode into the area of size specified in units. Calling this method will change output size of the barcode. Barcode size will be increased in order to occupy all of the area.
Public methodGetBarHeight
Returns the height of the barcode bars in specified units.
Public methodGetImage
Gets the Image object with the barcode.
Public methodGetImageBytes
Returns the barcode image as byte array.
Public methodGetImageBytesEMF
Returns the barcode image in EMF format as byte array.
Public methodGetImageBytesGIF
Returns the barcode image in GIF format as byte array.
Public methodGetImageBytesJPG
Returns the barcode image in JPEG format as byte array.
Public methodGetImageBytesPNG
Returns the barcode image in PNG format as byte array.
Public methodGetImageBytesTIFF
Returns the barcode image in TIFF format as byte array.
Public methodGetImageBytesWMF
Returns the barcode image in WMF format as byte array.
Public methodGetMarginBottom
Retrieves the bottom barcode margin value in specified units.
Public methodGetMarginLeft
Returns the left barcode margin value in specified units.
Public methodGetMarginRight
Returns the right barcode margin value in specified units.
Public methodGetMargins
Returns the barcode margins in specified units.
Public methodGetMarginTop
Returns the top barcode margin value in specified units.
Public methodGetMinimalHeight
Returns the height in specified units of the smallest rectangle that can accommodate the barcode.
Public methodGetMinimalSize
Gets or sets the size of the smallest rectangle in pixels that can accommodate the barcode.
Public methodGetMinimalSize(UnitOfMeasure)
Returns the size in specified units of the smallest rectangle that can accommodate the barcode.
Public methodGetMinimalWidth
Returns the width in specified units of the smallest rectangle that can accommodate the barcode.
Public methodGetNarrowBarWidth
Retrieves the width of the narrow bar in specified units.
Public methodGetPDFDimensions(Stream)
Returns size of PDF document pages in document units.
Public methodGetPDFDimensions(String)
Returns size of PDF document pages in document units.
Public methodGetPdfPageCount(Stream)
Returns count of pages in PDF document.
Public methodGetPdfPageCount(String)
Returns count of pages in PDF document.
Public methodGetSupplementaryValueRestrictions
Gets the supplementary value restrictions.
Public methodGetValueRestrictions
Gets the value restrictions for the specified symbology.
Public methodLoadAndApplyProfiles
Loads profiles from JSON string and automatically applies them. Note that profiles containing detection keywords will be deferred until the extraction.
Public methodLoadProfiles
Loads profiles from file.
Public methodLoadProfilesFromString
Loads profiles from JSON string.
Public methodProcessMacros
Replaces macro codes with corresponding ASCII control characters.
Public methodRevertToNormalSize
Reverts any changes to barcode size caused by a call to any of FitInto methods.
Public methodSaveImage(Stream)
Saves the barcode image to specified stream.
Public methodSaveImage(String)
Saves the barcode image to file.
Public methodSaveImage(Stream, ImageFormat)
Saves the barcode image to specified stream.
Public methodSaveImage(String, ImageFormat)
Saves the barcode image to file.
Public methodSaveImage(Stream, ImageFormat, Size, Int32, Int32)
Saves the image with barcode into given stream.
Public methodSaveImage(String, ImageFormat, Size, Int32, Int32)
Saves the barcode image to file.
Public methodSetAdditionalCaptionFont(String, Int32)
Sets the font of the additional barcode caption.
Public methodSetAdditionalCaptionFont(String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Byte)
Sets the font of the barcode additional caption.
Public methodSetBackColorRGB
Sets the background color in RGB format.
Public methodSetBarHeight
Sets the height of the barcode bars in specified units.
Public methodSetCaptionFont(String, Int32)
Sets the font of the barcode caption.
Public methodSetCaptionFont(String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Byte)
Sets the font of the barcode caption font.
Public methodSetCustomCaptionGap
Sets the gap size between the barcode and caption. To reset the gap to default (1/10 of caption font height) set gap to float.NaN.
Public methodSetForeColorRGB
Sets the fore color in RGB format.
Public methodSetMargins
Sets the barcode margins in specified units.
Public methodSetNarrowBarWidth
Sets the width of the narrow bars in specified units.
Public methodSetSmoothingMode
Sets the barcode rendering quality.
Public methodValueIsValid(String)
Validates the value using current symbology rules.
Public methodValueIsValid(String, Boolean)
Validates the value using current symbology rules.
Public methodValueIsValidGS1
Validates the GS1 value using GS1 rules.
See Also
