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IReaderExportFoundBarcodesToCSV Method

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Public methodExportFoundBarcodesToCSV
Exports found barcodes to CSV format with default delimiter (,) and quotation (") symbols.
Public methodExportFoundBarcodesToCSV(String)
Exports found barcodes to CSV file with default delimiter (,) and quotation (") symbols.
Public methodExportFoundBarcodesToCSV(String, String)
Exports found barcodes to CSV format with specified delimiter and quotation symbols.
Public methodExportFoundBarcodesToCSV(String, String, String)
Exports found barcodes to CSV file with specified delimiter and quotation symbols.
Public methodExportFoundBarcodesToCSV(String, String, String, Encoding)
Exports found barcodes to CSV file with specified delimiter, quotation symbol, and character encoding.
See Also
