Reader Methods
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The Reader type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CreateProfile(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) | Creates JSON profile will all Reader properties with current values. | |
CreateProfile(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) | Creates JSON profile will all Reader properties with current values. | |
Dispose | Releases managed resources of the component. | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ExportFoundBarcodesToCSV | Exports found barcodes to CSV format with default delimiter (,) and quotation (") symbols. | |
ExportFoundBarcodesToCSV(String) | Exports found barcodes to CSV file with default delimiter (,) and quotation (") symbols. | |
ExportFoundBarcodesToCSV(String, String) | Exports found barcodes to CSV format with specified delimiter and quotation symbols. | |
ExportFoundBarcodesToCSV(String, String, String) | Exports found barcodes to CSV file with specified delimiter and quotation symbols. | |
ExportFoundBarcodesToCSV(String, String, String, Encoding) | Exports found barcodes to CSV file with specified delimiter, quotation symbol, and character encoding. | |
ExportFoundBarcodesToJSON | Exports found barcodes to JSON string. | |
ExportFoundBarcodesToJSON(String) | Exports found barcodes to JSON file. | |
ExportFoundBarcodesToTXT(Boolean) | Save found barcodes in plain text format (TXT). | |
ExportFoundBarcodesToTXT(String, Boolean, Encoding) | Exports found barcodes to plain text file (TXT). | |
ExportFoundBarcodesToXML | Exports found barcodes to XML string. | |
ExportFoundBarcodesToXML(String) | Exports found barcodes to XML file. | |
ExportFoundBarcodesToXMLDocument | Exports found barcodes to XML document. | |
ExtractPageFromDocument | Extracts specified page from PDF or TIFF document to separate file. | |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetFoundBarcodeConfidence | Gets the confidence level of the found barcode. | |
GetFoundBarcodeHeight | Gets the height of found barcode. | |
GetFoundBarcodeLeft | Gets the X coordinate of found barcode. | |
GetFoundBarcodePage | Gets the number of page where barcode was found. | |
GetFoundBarcodeTop | Gets the Y coordinate of found barcode. | |
GetFoundBarcodeType | Gets the type of the found barcode. | |
GetFoundBarcodeValue | Gets the found barcode value. | |
GetFoundBarcodeWidth | Gets the width of found barcode. | |
GetHashCode | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetImagePageCount(Image) | Gets the number of pages in specified image. | |
GetImagePageCount(String) | Gets the number of pages in specified image file. | |
GetPdfPageCount(Stream) | Returns count of pages in PDF document. | |
GetPdfPageCount(String) | Returns count of pages in PDF document. | |
GetType | Gets the type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
LoadAndApplyProfiles | Loads profiles from JSON string and automatically applies them. IMPORTANT: you will need to select profile using .Profiles to apply it. You can switch between profiles using .Profiles property to set profile name. If you use simplified profiles format then default profile name is `profile1` To apply mulitple profiles please use comma separated list, e.g.: `profile1, profile2`. Or `profile1` for one single profile. | |
LoadProfiles | Loads profiles from file. IMPORTANT: you will need to select profile using .Profiles to apply it. You can switch between profiles using .Profiles property to set profile name. If you use simplified profiles format then default profile name is `profile1` To apply mulitple profiles please use comma separated list, e.g.: `profile1, profile2`. Or `profile1` for one single profile. | |
LoadProfilesFromFileAndApply | ||
LoadProfilesFromString | Loads profiles from JSON string. IMPORTANT: you will need to select profile using .Profiles to apply it. You can switch between profiles using .Profiles property to set profile name. If you use simplified profiles format then default profile name is `profile1` To apply mulitple profiles please use comma separated list, e.g.: `profile1, profile2`. Or `profile1` for one single profile. | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ReadFrom(Bitmap) | Reads barcodes from all pages of the Bitmap object. | |
ReadFrom(String) | Reads barcodes from all pages of the specified image or PDF file. | |
ReadFrom(Bitmap, Int32) | Reads barcodes from the specified page of the Bitmap object. | |
ReadFrom(String, Int32) | Reads barcodes from specified page of the specified image or PDF file. | |
ReadFrom(Bitmap, Int32, Int32) | Reads barcodes from the range of pages of the Bitmap object. | |
ReadFrom(String, Int32, Int32) | Reads barcodes from range of pages of the specified image or PDF file. | |
ReadFromFile | Reads barcodes from all pages of the specified image or PDF file. You can find decoded barcodes in FoundBarcodes property. | |
ReadFromFilePage | Reads barcodes from specified page of the image in the specified file. You can find decoded barcodes in FoundBarcodes property. | |
ReadFromHBitmap(IntPtr) | Reads barcodes from the image specified by GDI HBITMAP handle. You can find decoded barcodes in FoundBarcodes property. | |
ReadFromHBitmap(IntPtr, Int32, Int32) | Reads barcodes from the image specified by GDI HBITMAP handle. You can find decoded barcodes in FoundBarcodes property. | |
ReadFromMemory(Byte) | Read barcodes from image or PDF file provided as array of bytes. You can find decoded barcodes in FoundBarcodes property. | |
ReadFromMemory(Byte, Int32, Int32) | Read barcodes from image or PDF file provided as array of bytes. You can find decoded barcodes in FoundBarcodes property. | |
ReadFromMemoryCOM(Object) | COM/ActiveX: Read barcodes from image or PDF file provided as array of bytes represented by VARIANT values. You can find decoded barcodes in FoundBarcodes property. | |
ReadFromMemoryCOM(Object, Int32, Int32) | COM/ActiveX: Read barcodes from image or PDF file provided as array of bytes represented by VARIANT values. You can find decoded barcodes in FoundBarcodes property. | |
ReadFromPdfFile(Stream) | Reads barcodes from all pages of specified PDF document. | |
ReadFromPdfFile(String) | Reads barcodes from all pages of specified PDF document. | |
ReadFromPdfFilePage(Stream, Int32, Int32) | Reads barcodes from specified pages of PDF document. | |
ReadFromPdfFilePage(String, Int32, Int32) | Reads barcodes from specified pages of PDF document. | |
ReadFromStream(Stream) | Read barcodes from image or PDF file provided as Stream. You can find decoded barcodes in FoundBarcodes property. | |
ReadFromStream(IStream) | Read barcodes from image or PDF file provided as IStream. You can find decoded barcodes in FoundBarcodes property. | |
ReadFromStream(Stream, Int32, Int32) | Read barcodes from image or PDF file provided as Stream. You can find decoded barcodes in FoundBarcodes property. | |
ReadFromStream(IStream, Int32, Int32) | Read barcodes from image or PDF file provided as IStream. You can find decoded barcodes in FoundBarcodes property. | |
SplitDocument(String, String) | Splits PDF or TIFF document to multiple documents according to specified ranges. | |
SplitDocument(String, String, String, Int32) | Splits specified PDF or TIFF document to two documents at specified page. | |
SplitDocumentCOM | COM/ActiveX compatible function for Split(string sourceDocument, string ranges) that returns string with filenames delimited by line feed \n Splits PDF or TIFF document to multiple documents according to specified ranges. | |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
See Also