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IBarcodeTypeSelector Methods

The IBarcodeTypeSelector type exposes the following members.

Public methodIsAny1DSelected
Indicates if any 1d linear barcode type is selected currently.
Public methodIsAny2DSelected
Indicates if any 2D barcode type is selected currently.
Public methodIsAnyOMRElementsSelected
Indicates if any OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) elements is selected currently.
Public methodIsAnySelected
Indicates if any barcode type is selected currently.
Public methodReset
Set all barcode type properties to False.
Public methodSetAll
Search for all supported barcodes except EAN-2 and EAN-5 as they are designed to work without checksums and causing numerous false positives. If you want to search for these barcode types as well, please enable them directly.
Public methodSetAll1D
Search for for all supported one-dimensional (1D, linear) barcodes except EAN-2 and EAN-5 as they are designed to work without checksums and causing numerous false positives. If you want to search for these barcode types as well, please enable them directly.
Public methodSetAll2D
Search for all supported two-dimensional (2D) barcodes.
Public methodSetAllOMRElements
Search for all OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) elements.
See Also
