Workbook AutoCalculation - VB.NET
Spreadsheet SDK sample in VB.NET demonstrating ‘Workbook AutoCalculation’
Imports System.Drawing
Imports Bytescout.Spreadsheet
Module Program
Sub Main()
' Data to be written in spreadsheet
Dim lstProducts = New List(Of InvoiceProduct) From {
New InvoiceProduct With {
.ProductName = "Product 1",
.Price = 30,
.Quantity = 10
New InvoiceProduct With {
.ProductName = "Product 2",
.Price = 40,
.Quantity = 30
New InvoiceProduct With {
.ProductName = "Product 3",
.Price = 50,
.Quantity = 15
New InvoiceProduct With {
.ProductName = "Product 4",
.Price = 20,
.Quantity = 20
' Generate Workbook in memory
Dim document = _GetSpreadsheet(lstProducts)
' Export to XLSX
' Open output file
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Console.WriteLine("Press enter key to exit...")
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Get Spreadsheet
''' </summary>
Private Function _GetSpreadsheet(ByVal lstProducts As List(Of InvoiceProduct)) As Spreadsheet
' Create new Spreadsheet
Dim document As Spreadsheet = New Spreadsheet()
' Enable auto-calculation of formulas
document.Workbook.AutoCalculation = True
document.Workbook.DefaultFont = New SpreadsheetFont("Arial", 10)
' Add new worksheet
Dim Sheet As Worksheet = document.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Invoice")
Dim startRow As Integer = 0
' Add Product Listing
Dim startAddress As String = ""
Dim endAddress As String = ""
Sheet.Cell((startRow), 0).Value = "Item"
_AddAllBorders(Sheet.Cell(startRow, 0))
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 0).Font = New Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Bold)
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 1).Value = "Quantity"
_AddAllBorders(Sheet.Cell(startRow, 1))
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 1).AlignmentHorizontal = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 1).Font = New Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Bold)
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).Value = "Price"
_AddAllBorders(Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2))
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).AlignmentHorizontal = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).Font = New Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Bold)
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).Value = "Total"
_AddAllBorders(Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3))
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).AlignmentHorizontal = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).Font = New Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Bold)
For i As Integer = 0 To lstProducts.Count - 1
Sheet.Cell((System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(startRow)), 0).Value = lstProducts(i).ProductName
_AddAllBorders(Sheet.Cell(startRow, 0))
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 1).Value = lstProducts(i).Quantity
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 1).AlignmentHorizontal = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right
_AddAllBorders(Sheet.Cell(startRow, 1))
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).Value = lstProducts(i).Price
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).AlignmentHorizontal = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right
_AddAllBorders(Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2))
' Calculated cell
Dim formulaMultiplication As String = String.Format("={0}*{1}", Sheet.Cell(startRow, 1).GetAddress().ToString(), Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).GetAddress().ToString())
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).Formula = formulaMultiplication
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).AlignmentHorizontal = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right
_AddAllBorders(Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3))
' Address to be used for total sum
If i = 0 Then
startAddress = Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).GetAddress().ToString()
End If
endAddress = Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).GetAddress().ToString()
Sheet.Cell((System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(startRow)), 2).Value = "TOTAL"
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).AlignmentHorizontal = Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).Font = New Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Bold)
Dim formulaTotalSum As String = String.Format("=SUM({0}:{1})", startAddress, endAddress)
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).Formula = formulaTotalSum
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).Font = New Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Bold)
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).AlignmentHorizontal = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right
' AutoFit all columns
' Return all formatted document
Return document
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Add borders to cell
''' </summary>
Private Sub _AddAllBorders(ByVal cell As Cell)
cell.LeftBorderStyle = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.LineStyle.Thin
cell.RightBorderStyle = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.LineStyle.Thin
cell.TopBorderStyle = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.LineStyle.Thin
cell.BottomBorderStyle = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.LineStyle.Thin
End Sub
Public Class InvoiceProduct
Public Property ProductName As String
Public Property Quantity As Integer
Public Property Price As Decimal
End Class
End Module
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