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PageSetup Properties

The PageSetup type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBlackAndWhite
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the document is printed in black and white.
Public propertyBottomMargin
Gets or sets the size of the bottom margin, in points.
Public propertyCenterFooter
Gets or sets the center part of the footer.
Public propertyCenterHeader
Gets or sets the center part of the header.
Public propertyCenterHorizontally
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the sheet is centered horizontally on the page when it's printed.
Public propertyCenterVertically
Gets or sets a value indicating whether sheet is centered vertically on the page when it's printed.
Public propertyCopies
Gets or sets the number of copies to print.
Public propertyDraft
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the sheet will be printed without graphics.
Public propertyFirstPageNumber
Gets or sets the first page number that will be used when this sheet is printed.
Public propertyFitToPage
Gets or sets a value indicating when scales the worksheet according to the FitToPagesWide/FitToPagesTall properties.
Public propertyFitToPagesTall
Gets or sets the number of pages tall the worksheet will be scaled to when it's printed.
Public propertyFitToPagesWide
Gets or sets the number of pages wide the worksheet will be scaled to when it's printed.
Public propertyFooterMargin
Gets or sets the distance from the bottom of the page to the footer, in points.
Public propertyHeaderMargin
Gets or sets the distance from the top of the page to the header, in points.
Public propertyLeftFooter
Gets or sets the left part of the footer.
Public propertyLeftHeader
Gets or sets the left part of the header.
Public propertyLeftMargin
Gets or sets the size of the left margin, in points.
Public propertyOrder
Gets or sets the order that Microsoft Excel uses to number pages when printing a large worksheet.
Public propertyOrientation
Gets or sets the page orientation.
Public propertyPaperSize
Gets or sets the size of the paper.
Public propertyPrintComments
Gets or sets the way comments are printed with the sheet.
Public propertyPrintErrors
Gets or sets an PrintErrors contstant specifying the type of print error displayed.
Public propertyPrintGridLines
Gets or sets a value indicating whether gridlines are printed on the page.
Public propertyPrintHeadings
Gets or sets a value indicating whether row and column headings are printed with this page.
Public propertyPrintNotes
Gets or sets a value indicating whether cell notes are printed as end notes with the sheet.
Public propertyPrintQualityHorizontal
Gets or sets the horizontal print resolution of the device in dots per inch (DPI).
Public propertyPrintQualityVertical
Gets or sets the vertical print resolution of the device in dots per inch (DPI).
Public propertyRightFooter
Gets or sets the right part of the footer.
Public propertyRightHeader
Gets or sets the right part of the header.
Public propertyRightMargin
Gets or sets the size of the right margin, in points.
Public propertyTopMargin
Gets or sets the size of the top margin, in points.
Public propertyUseFirstPageNumber
Gets or sets a value indicating whether use FirstPageNumber value for first page number, and do not auto number the pages.
Public propertyZoom
Gets or sets the percentage (between 10 and 400 percent) by which Microsoft Excel will scale the worksheet for printing.
See Also
