Generate Invoice - C#
Spreadsheet SDK sample in C# demonstrating ‘Generate Invoice’
using Bytescout.Spreadsheet;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
namespace GenerateInvoice
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// STEP-1: Get Invoice Data
var oInvoiceData = GetInvoiceData();
// STEP-2: Generate Invoice in memory
var document = _GetSpreadsheet(oInvoiceData);
// Step-3: Export to XLS, XLSX and PDF
// Open output file
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Press enter key to exit...");
/// <summary>
/// Get Spreadsheet
/// </summary>
private static Spreadsheet _GetSpreadsheet(InvoiceData oInvoiceData)
// Create new Spreadsheet
Spreadsheet document = new Spreadsheet();
document.Workbook.AutoCalculation = true;
document.Workbook.DefaultFont = new SpreadsheetFont("Arial", 10);
// Add new worksheet
Worksheet Sheet = document.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Invoice");
int startRow = 0;
// 1. Write Company Name
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 0).Value = oInvoiceData.CompanyName;
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 0).Font = new Font("Arial", 15, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic);
// 2. Write Company Address
Sheet.Cell((++startRow), 0).Value = oInvoiceData.CompanyAddress1;
Sheet.Cell((++startRow), 0).Value = oInvoiceData.CompanyAddress2;
// 3. Write Invoice Info
Sheet.Cell((++startRow), 2).Value = "Invoice No.";
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).Font = new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).AlignmentHorizontal = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right;
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).Value = oInvoiceData.InvoiceNo;
Sheet.Cell((++startRow), 2).Value = "Invoice Date.";
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).Font = new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).AlignmentHorizontal = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right;
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).ValueAsDateTime = oInvoiceData.InvoiceDate;
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).NumberFormatString = "mm/dd/yyyy";
// 4. Write Client Info
Sheet.Cell((++startRow), 0).Value = oInvoiceData.ClientName;
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 0).Font = new Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Bold);
Sheet.Cell((++startRow), 0).Value = oInvoiceData.ClientAddress1;
Sheet.Cell((++startRow), 0).Value = oInvoiceData.ClientAddress2;
// 5. Write Notes
Sheet.Cell((++startRow), 0).Value = "Notes";
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 0).Font = new Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Bold);
Sheet.Cell((++startRow), 0).Value = oInvoiceData.Notes;
startRow += 2;
// 6. Add Product Listing
string startAddress = "";
string endAddress = "";
Sheet.Cell((++startRow), 0).Value = "Item";
_AddAllBorders(Sheet.Cell(startRow, 0));
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 0).Font = new Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Bold);
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 1).Value = "Quantity";
_AddAllBorders(Sheet.Cell(startRow, 1));
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 1).AlignmentHorizontal = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right;
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 1).Font = new Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Bold);
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).Value = "Price";
_AddAllBorders(Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2));
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).AlignmentHorizontal = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right;
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).Font = new Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Bold);
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).Value = "Total";
_AddAllBorders(Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3));
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).AlignmentHorizontal = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right;
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).Font = new Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Bold);
for (int i = 0; i < oInvoiceData.lstProducts.Count; i++)
Sheet.Cell((++startRow), 0).Value = oInvoiceData.lstProducts[i].ProductName;
_AddAllBorders(Sheet.Cell(startRow, 0));
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 1).Value = oInvoiceData.lstProducts[i].Quantity;
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 1).AlignmentHorizontal = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right;
_AddAllBorders(Sheet.Cell(startRow, 1));
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).Value = oInvoiceData.lstProducts[i].Price;
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).AlignmentHorizontal = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right;
_AddAllBorders(Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2));
// Calculated cell
string formulaMultiplication = string.Format("={0}*{1}", Sheet.Cell(startRow, 1).GetAddress().ToString(), Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).GetAddress().ToString());
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).Formula = formulaMultiplication;
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).AlignmentHorizontal = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right;
_AddAllBorders(Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3));
// Address to be used for total sum
if (i == 0)
startAddress = Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).GetAddress().ToString();
endAddress = Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).GetAddress().ToString();
Sheet.Cell((++startRow), 2).Value = "TOTAL";
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).Font = new Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Bold);
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 2).AlignmentHorizontal = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right;
string formulaTotalSum = string.Format("=SUM({0}:{1})", startAddress, endAddress);
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).Formula = formulaTotalSum;
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).Font = new Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Bold);
Sheet.Cell(startRow, 3).AlignmentHorizontal = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.AlignmentHorizontal.Right;
// AutoFit all columns
// Return all formatted document
return document;
/// <summary>
/// Add borders to cell
/// </summary>
private static void _AddAllBorders(Cell cell)
cell.LeftBorderStyle = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.LineStyle.Thin;
cell.RightBorderStyle = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.LineStyle.Thin;
cell.TopBorderStyle = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.LineStyle.Thin;
cell.BottomBorderStyle = Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Constants.LineStyle.Thin;
/// <summary>
/// Gets Sample invoice data
/// </summary>
private static InvoiceData GetInvoiceData()
var oRet = new InvoiceData
CompanyName = "Your Company Name",
CompanyAddress1 = "Your Address",
CompanyAddress2 = "City, State Zip",
ClientName = "Client Name",
ClientAddress1 = "Address",
ClientAddress2 = "City, State Zip",
InvoiceNo = "123456",
InvoiceDate = DateTime.Now,
Notes = "Some notes...",
lstProducts = new List<InvoiceProduct> {
new InvoiceProduct{ ProductName = "Product 1", Price = 30, Quantity = 10 },
new InvoiceProduct{ ProductName = "Product 2", Price = 40, Quantity = 30 },
new InvoiceProduct{ ProductName = "Product 3", Price = 50, Quantity = 15 },
new InvoiceProduct{ ProductName = "Product 4", Price = 20, Quantity = 20 }
return oRet;
#region Invoice Class
/// <summary>
/// Invoice Data class
/// </summary>
public class InvoiceData
#region Constructors
public InvoiceData()
lstProducts = new List<InvoiceProduct>();
public string CompanyName { get; set; }
public string CompanyAddress1 { get; set; }
public string CompanyAddress2 { get; set; }
public string InvoiceNo { get; set; }
public DateTime InvoiceDate { get; set; }
public string ClientName { get; set; }
public string ClientAddress1 { get; set; }
public string ClientAddress2 { get; set; }
public string Notes { get; set; }
public List<InvoiceProduct> lstProducts { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Invoice Product class
/// </summary>
public class InvoiceProduct
public string ProductName { get; set; }
public int Quantity { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
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