Generate XLS Spreadsheet - ASP Classic
Spreadsheet SDK sample in ASP Classic demonstrating ‘Generate XLS Spreadsheet’
' In case of "Server.CreateObject Failed", "Server object error "ASP 0177 : 8000ffff" or similar errors:
' Please try the following:
' - Open IIS
' - Find application pools (DefaultAppPool is used by default)
' - Open its properties and check .NET CLR version selected:
' - if you have .NET 1.1 then change to .NET CLR 2.00
' - if you have .NET CLR 2.00 then try to change to .NET CLR 4.0
Set document = Server.CreateObject("Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Spreadsheet")
' Add new worksheet
Set worksheet = document.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("HelloWorld")
' Get cell value
Set cell = worksheet.Item(0,0) ' You can also use worksheet.Cell("A1") as well
' Set cell value
cell.Value = "Hello, World!"
' Generate and get XLS document as an array of bytes
XLSDocumentArray = document.GetAsBytesArrayXLS
response.ContentType = ""
' Add content type header
response.AddHeader "Content-Type", "application/"
' Set the content disposition
response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "inline;filename=HelloWorld.xls"
' Write the binary image to the Response output stream
response.BinaryWrite XLSDocumentArray
' Release library
Set document = Nothing
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