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About Bytescout Spreadsheet SDK for .NET and ActiveX/COM

Bytescout Spreadsheet SDK is 100% managed assembly for .NET 1.10, 2.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.00 Client Profile, Compact Framework .NET (CF.NET for Pocket PC and Windows CE) for spreadsheets (XLS, XSLX, TXT, CSV, ODS) writing, reading, modification, formula calculation support;

Includes ActiveX interface support for use from VBScript, Visual Basic 6 and classic ASP;

Includes Console edition for conversion of spreadsheets from command line or .bat files.


  • Excel (or Office) installed is not required;

  • Made with 100% managed code for .NET. All .NET versions (from .NET 1.10 to .NET 4.00 and .NET 4.00 Client Profile) frameworks are supported;

  • ActiveX interface is supported for use from VBScript, Visual Basic 6, Javascript (and other) is available;

  • Includes console version (Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Console.exe) for spreadsheets conversion from command line or .bat command file;

  • Provides set of functionality to read and write XLS, XLSX spreadsheets without Excel or ODBC required;

  • Dozens of ready-to-use source code samples for .NET, ASP.NET, С#, Visual Basic are included;

Some functions of PDF Renderer SDK are also available as REST-compliant Web API.

Sign up for the free trial here:

Check the API documentation:

And samples.

Quick Start Tutorials
Advanced Examples (How To..)

Spreadsheet SDK includes over 100+ ready-to-use (and ready to copy and paste from!) source code samples.

To open the folder with Advanced Examples source code samples: click START - ALL PROGRAMS - BYTESCOUT SPREADSHEET SDK - EXAMPLES - ADVANCED EXAMPLES