Link Search Menu Expand Document


History (changes log)

ByteScout PDF Viewer SDK history of changes.

- - bug fixed
+ - new feature
= - changed
! - critical
------------------------- (April 10, 2023)
= Performance improvements
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (September 27, 2022)
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (June 7, 2022)
= Improved font rendering.
= Improved rendering of matte masks. 
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (January 24, 2022)
- Fixed exception caused by double disposing when using the control from WPF.
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor fixes and improvements. (October 4, 2021)
+ Added 'DisplayAttachments' property that allows to show/hide the floating "attachments" button.
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor fixes and improvements. (May 18, 2021)
- Fixed event firing on the selection clear.
= Improved touch gestures.
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor fixes and improvements. (February 8, 2021)
+ Added support for touchscreen gestures: pan, zoom, rotate.
= Improved support for external Chinese fonts.
= Improved positioning of rotated PDF objects.
= Now the damaged CCITT and JBIG2 images are skipped from rendering avoiding crashes.
- Fixed exception on copying empty selection to clipboard.
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor fixes and improvements. (October 26, 2020)
! Fixed a memory leak that caused the app to slow down gradually and crash.
= Improved rendering of the ZapfDingbats font.
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (June 20, 2020)
+ Added methods allowing to associate selection rectangles with user objects.
+ Added 'ClearSelection()' method.
- The control to correctly detects RTL text in "Copy to Clipboard" menu command.
= Improved precision of coordinates and dimensions of selection rectangles when scaling.
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (March 19, 2020)
= Improved rendering of semitransparent objects.
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (February 11, 2020)
+ Added support for new revision of PDF encryption (ISO 32000-2:2017 compliance).
+ Added 'LicenseInfo' property providing detailed information about your license.
- Fixed text search issues on some documents.
- Fixed .NET Core compatibility issue.
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (December 4, 2019)
= Improved handling of Arabic fonts and charsets.
= Improved handling of CJK fonts and charsets.
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (November 1, 2019)
= Improved rendering of annotations with images.
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (October 1, 2019)
= Improved rendering of PDF documents with not embedded fonts.
- Fixed possible IndexOutOfRangeException when deleting a selection.
- Fixed text search on some documents.
= Optimized drawing operations.
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (September 2, 2019)
= Improved appearance of partially removed text objects.
+ Added "Night Mode".
= Improved rendering of small fonts with stroke.
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (August 6, 2019)
- Fixed multi-select mode issues.
= Improved rendering of transparent text.
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (July 2, 2019)
= Improved rendering of cropped PDF pages.
- Fixed `OutOfMemoryException` on tiling patterns with very large step or bounding box.
- Fixed rendering of UTF-8 encoded text.
= Improved rendering of Japanese fonts.
= Replaced legacy `FolderBrowserDialog` with modern `FolderSelectDialog` in the Attachment Browser. (May 28, 2019)
+ Added 'Ctrl-Shift-Home' and 'Ctrl-Shift-End' hotkeys for fast navigation to the first or last page.
+ Added 'Ctrl-C' hotkey to copy selected text to the clipboard.
+ Added 'Ctrl-NumPadPlus', 'Ctrl-NumPadMinus' and 'Ctrl-NumPad0' hotkeys for zooming.
+ New property 'ShowResizeHandlesForActiveSelectionOnly'.
+ New property 'InactiveSelectionColor'.
+ Added 'CacheVisitedPages' property that caches rendered PDF pages for faster switching to visited pages. (April 4, 2019)
= Reduced excessive painting when selection cursor is FullViewCross.
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
= Improved PDF rendering.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (March 12, 2019)
= Improved handling of embedded PDF fonts.
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
= Improved PDF rendering.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (January 31, 2019)
+ Added new selection cursor: full-view cross.
+ Added `ShowToolbarRotate` property.
- Removed C++ runtime dependencies.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (October 22, 2018)   
+ PDFViewerControl: added `TranslatePointToDocumentPoints` and `TranslateRectangleToDocumentPoints` 
  methods for conversion from control's screen coordinates to PDF document points.
= Changed font rendering engine to improve text rendering 
  and to circumvent Windows GDI font processing issues.
= Embedded default fonts to fallback to if a font is missing in Windows.
- Improved rendering of cropped PDF documents.
= Performance improvements.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (July 18, 2018)
+ Added events to customize key and mouse events handling: PreProcessKey, PostProcessKey, 
  PreProcessMouseDown, PreProcessMouseMove, PreProcessMouseUp.
+ Added ActiveSelectionIndex property indicating index of active selection in multi-select mode.
+ ShowToolbarFind property allowing to show/hide the text search controls from the toolbar.
= Default value of property SelectionModifierKey is changed to None.
= Added parameter in GetSelectedText() method to keep the formatting of copied text.
- Fixed crash on LockSelection property change.
- Fixed wrong behavior of ClearSelectionOnClick property in single-selection mode.
= Improved PDF rendering.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (April 11, 2018)
= Improved PDF rendering.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (January 22, 2018)
= Improved support of encrypted PDF documents.
= Improved PDF rendering.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (November 8, 2017)
+ Added `ParsingError` event allowing to handle parsing errors and interrupt or continue the processing.
= Improved rendering of PDF documents.
= Performance improvements.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (August 1, 2017)
+ Added PDFViewerControl.Rotation property.
- Fixed crash on 64-bit CMYK embedded images.
= Other minor fixes and improvements. (June 1, 2017)
= Improved Japanese text rendering.
= Visual Studio 2017 integration.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (March 29, 2017)
+ New event ProgressChanged. The event reports the progress 
  in percents and also allows to interrupt the processing;
= Performance improvements;
- Fixed crash when the input document is image and it's loading from stream;
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (March 06, 2017)
= Performance improvements.
= Improved rendering of Type3 fonts.
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes. (January 11, 2017)
= Improved PDF rendering.
= Improved attachments extraction.
= Find() method now returns boolean result and allows to specify the type of user feedback.
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes. (October 21, 2016)
+ The control now able to display image files.
- Fixed the search and extraction of text in Korean charset (KSCms-UHC-H / Code Page 949).
= Improved support of colorspaces and soft masks.
= Improved text extraction from selected rectangular area.
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes. (August 19, 2016)
= Minor performance improvements.
- Fixed PDF parsing issues.
- Fixed fonts rendering issues.
- Fixed JBIG images decoding.
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes. (May 26, 2016)
= Greatly improved font rendering quality.
- Fixed bug in installer causing some files from previous installation were interfering with updates.  
- PDF Multitool: Fixed font rendering issue on 32-bit Windows.
= Reworked the registration checking. Now the library will not throw an exception, 
  but work in demo mode if you missed or input wrong RegistrationName and RegistrationKey.
+ PDF Multitool: Added recent document list to "Open PDF Document" button.
+ PDF Multitool: Selection can be resized now.
+ PDF Multitool: Added Extract JSON feature.
= PDF Multitool: Improved Table Detector UI.
+ PDF Multitool: Added debug option "Show Detected Extraction Columns" to the context menu to display 
  the detected columns on the current page. Becomes visible only after running any extraction against 
  the current displayed page.
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes. (March 23, 2016)
= Improved support of ICC color profiles.
= Imporved handling of embedded fonts.
= Other bug fixes and improvements. (January 20, 2016)
PDF viewer control for WInForms improved
PDF reading speed improved
improved support for images and text 
annotations rendering improved
Colors management improved
Images output improved to support more sub-formats
Unicode text handling improved
minor bug-fixes

6.12.2244 (September 17, 2015)
pdf viewer control improved
support for images in pdf improved
text support in pdf improved
minor bug-fixes

6.00.2124 (June 9, 2015)
improved pdf viewer and pdf reading for .NET control
text displaying improved
images and text support improved
pdf reading speed improved
minor bug-fixes

4.00.1487 (May 30, 2014)
improved pdf view control for Winforms
improved handling of large PDF files
VS2013 integration improved
text rendering improvements
minor bug-fixes

3.30.1240 (November 26, 2013)
improved support for PDF formats produced for old versions of pdf readers
improved support for text and images rendering
minor bug-fixes

3.20.1223 (November 21, 2013)
improved PDF support (flipped images issues, speed improved, text rendering improved)
the issue with automatic scrolling up to top when selecting a region fixed 
minor bug-fixes

3.20.1179 (October 22, 2013)
pdf viewer control improved and works faster
improved support of PDF files with rotated objects and pages
improved support of PDF files with inline images 
improved support of damaged PDF files
minor bug-fixes

3.10.1052 (June 29, 2013)
pdf viewer now works faster 
issues with text copying on some PDF files fixed
improved PDF support
minor bug-fixes

3.10.904 (May 14, 2013)
improved pdf viewing functionality
improved PDF reading support
documentation updated
minor bug-fixes

3.00.864 (April 11, 2013)
improved PDF handling
new method: .GetSelectedText() to retrieve text from currently selected area
minor bug-fixes

3.00.845 (April 1, 2013)
minor bug-fixes and improvements

3.00.839 (March 26, 2013)
+ first public version