Extract Images Coordinates from PDF - VBScript
PDF Extractor SDK sample in VBScript demonstrating ‘Extract Images Coordinates from PDF’
' Create Bytescout.PDFExtractor.ImageExtractor object
Set extractor = CreateObject("Bytescout.PDFExtractor.ImageExtractor")
extractor.RegistrationName = "demo"
extractor.RegistrationKey = "demo"
' Load sample PDF document
i = 0
' Initialize image enumeration
If extractor.GetFirstImage() Then
' display coordinates of the image
MsgBox "Image #" & CStr(i) & vbCRLF & "Coordinates: " & CStr( extractor.GetCurrentImageRectangle_Left()) & ", " & _
CStr( extractor.GetCurrentImageRectangle_Top()) & ", " & CStr( extractor.GetCurrentImageRectangle_Width()) & ", " & _
CStr( extractor.GetCurrentImageRectangle_Height())
i = i + 1
Loop While extractor.GetNextImage() ' Advance image enumeration
End If
Set extractor = Nothing
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