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OCRAnalysisResults Properties

The OCRAnalysisResults type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContrast
Gets whether the contrast filter is recommended. Can be added manually using AddContrast(Int32) method.
Public propertyDeskew
Gets whether the deskew filter is recommended. Can be added manually using AddDeskew method.
Public propertyDilate
Gets whether the dilate filter is recommended. Can be added manually using AddDilate method.
Public propertyGammaCorrection
Gets whether the gamma correction filter is recommended. Can be added manually using AddGammaCorrection(Double) method.
Public propertyGrayscale
Gets whether the deskew filter is recommended. Can be added manually using AddGrayscale method.
Public propertyMedian
Gets whether the median filter is recommended. Can be added manually using AddMedian method.
Public propertyRemoveHorizontalLines
Gets whether the horizontal lines remover is recommended. Can be added manually using AddHorizontalLinesRemover method.
Public propertyRemoveVerticalLines
Gets whether the vertical lines remover is recommended. Can be added manually using AddVerticalLinesRemover method.
See Also
