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IRemover2 Properties

The IRemover2 type exposes the following members.

Public propertyImageFormat
Image format to convert PDF pages to. Used in MakePDFUnsearchable mode.
Public propertyJPEGQuality
Gets or sets the quality for JPEG image format. Used in MakePDFUnsearchable mode.
Public propertyMakePDFUnsearchable
Get or sets whether to make the output document unsearchable. If true, all PDF pages will be replaced with rendered images.
Public propertyMaskColor
Gets or sets the color of masking rectangle applied by MaskRemovedText property.
Public propertyMaskRemovedText
Get or sets whether to mask removed text fragments with solid color rectangles to make the output document look like "censored". Use MaskColor to change the color of masking rectangle.
Public propertyRemoveTextWhileMasking
Get or sets whether to remove text or not while applying masking. This can be helpful if we only needed to apply Masking and not removing text.
Public propertyRenderingResolution
Gets or sets PDF rendering resolution for MakePDFUnsearchable mode. Larger resolution - larger output document, but better visual quality.
Public propertySearchInShadowLikeText
Sets whether to search in shadow-like text (when the same text is drawn twice with small offset).
See Also
