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ICSVExtractor Properties

The ICSVExtractor type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowStandalonePunctuation
Sets whether to allow standalone punctuation characters. If false, they will be merged with nearest text object.
Public propertyCSVQuotaionSymbol
Sets the CSV quotation symbol. Default is double quote.
Public propertyCSVSeparatorSymbol
Sets the CSV separator symbol. Default symbol is taken from the current culture settings (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator).
Public propertyDetectStrikeoutTextStyle
Get or sets whether to detect the "strikeout" text style. Default is false.
Public propertyDetectUnderlineTextStyle
Get or sets whether to detect the "underline" text style. Default is false.
Public propertyNormalizeCSV
Makes CSV data produced from multiple pages contain the same number of columns. This may be required for data export tools that do not support CSV with variable number of columns per row.
Public propertyPageSeparator
Sets the page separator. If not empty, the extractor will insert between pages in the generated CSV data a row that will contain specified text in the first column.
See Also
