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DocumentSplitter2 Properties

The DocumentSplitter2 type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCheckPermissions
Defines whether respect permissions set by document owner. If True, extractor throws exception when the extraction is prohibited.
Public propertyLicenseInfo
Gets license information.
Public propertyOCRAutoModeMinExistingTextLength
Applies to OCRMode.Auto only. Sets the minimal total length of normal text objects on the current page to decide whether to perform OCR or not. If the length of the text is less than this value then extractor will use OCR for this page. Otherwise it extracts the existing normal text objects only.
Public propertyOCRBlackList
A set of characters not allowed to be recognized from scanned document. The resulting text will only contain characters that are not in this list. This helps improve uncertain recognition.
Public propertyOCRCorrections
A set of corrections automatically applied to recognized text to fix repeating recognition errors.
Public propertyOCRDetectPageRotation
Sets whether to detect scanned page rotation. Slightly slows down the processing.
Public propertyOCRDisableAutoSegmentation
Sets whether to disable the automatic segmentation. All pages will be treated as containing sparse text (as a typical document such as an invoice).
Public propertyOCRImagePreprocessingFilters
A set of corrections automatically applied to recognized text to fix repeating recognition errors.
Public propertyOCRLanguage
Language of OCR (Optical Character Recognition). The valid values are:
  • "eng" - English (default)
  • "deu" - German
  • "fra" - French
  • "spa" - Spanish

Download more languages at

Public propertyOCRLanguageDataFolder
Folder containing OCR language data files.
Public propertyOCRMaximizeCPUUtilization
Gets or sets maximum OCR performance using Intel OpenMP (if available) to accelerate to approximately 30%. Default is false.
Public propertyOCRMode
Enables use of the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) which allows you to recognize text from images embedded in PDF pages. Set the language using the OCRLanguage property.

This option requires Bytescout.PDFExtractor.OCRExtension.dll assembly reference and relevant language files in OCRLanguageDataFolder folder. The SDK is shipped with language files for English, French, German and Spanish. You can download more languages at

Public propertyOCRResolution
Resolution of OCR (Optical Character Recognition). Default is 300 DPI.
Public propertyOCRWhiteList
A set of characters allowed to be recognized from scanned document. Only characters from this list will appear in the result text. This helps improve uncertain recognition.
Public propertyOptimizeSplittedDocuments
Removes unused resources from splitted document parts.
Public propertyPassword
PDF document password.
Public propertyRegistrationKey
Registration key.
Public propertyRegistrationName
Registration name.
Public propertyVersion
Gets the component version number.
See Also
