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IBaseTextExtractor Methods

The IBaseTextExtractor type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddFilter(String, Boolean, Boolean)
Adds a filter to remove a text from extracted data.
Public methodAddFilter(String, Int32, Boolean)
Adds filter to exclude text objects with specified attributes.
Public methodAddFilter(String, Int32, Color, Boolean)
Adds filter to exclude text objects with specified attributes.
Public methodAddFilter(String, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Adds a filter to replace a text in extracted data.
Public methodAddFilter(String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Adds filter to exclude text objects with specified attributes.
Public methodDisposePage
Disposes the page object. Uses this method carefully to destroy the page object that should not be used further. Useful to free allocated memory when processing huge PDF documents.
Public methodGetPreprocessedPagePreview
Returns preview image of document page with preprocessing filters applied.
Public methodIsOCRRecommendedForPage
Detects whether OCR is recommended for specified page. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is recommended when pages has no text objects bat has an image that might contain text.
(Inherited from IBaseOCRExtractor.)
Public methodResetFilters
Reset text filters.
Public methodSavePreprocessedPagePreview
Saves preview image of document page with preprocessing filters applied. Image is saved in PNG format.
Public methodSetCustomExtractionColumns
Helper method to set CustomExtractionColumns property when using the extractor though COM from VC++ VB, VBA, VBScript, or Delphi.
See Also
