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How to set column coordinates and extraction area in a PDF

There are two ways to do this. Please see samples below:

You can use the PDF Multitool desktop app to get the coordinates. PDF Multitool comes with PDF Extractor SDK and is already installed in your machine.


extractor.CustomExtractionColumns = new double[] { 17, 49, 69, 130, 406.5, 453, 499, 545, 592 };
extractor.SetExtractionArea(new RectangleF(16, 178, 632, 241));


extractor.LoadAndApplyProfiles("{ 'CustomExtractionColumns': [ 17, 49, 69, 130, 406.5, 453, 499, 545, 592 ], 'ExtractionArea': [16, 178, 632, 241] }");


customcolumns = Array(17, 49, 69, 130, 406.5, 453, 499, 545, 592)
extractor.SetExtractionArea 16, 178, 632, 241


extractor.LoadAndApplyProfiles("{ 'CustomExtractionColumns': [ 17, 49, 69, 130, 406.5, 453, 499, 545, 592 ], 'ExtractionArea': [16, 178, 632, 241] }")