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History (changes log)

ByteScout Document Parser SDK history of changes.

- - bug fixed
+ - new feature
= - changed
! - critical
------------------------- (July 14, 2023)
= Minor improvements. (April 26, 2023)
= Parsing improvements.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (September 27, 2022)
= Parsing improvements.
- Classifier: Fixed PDF permissions checking.
+ Added support for .NET Core 2.1 and later.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (June 7, 2022)
+ 'DocumentParser' can now read barcodes from rectangle fields.
- 'Classifier': Fixed a case sensitivity issue.
- Fixed multithreading issue.
= Improved line removal algorithm.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (January 24, 2022)
= TemplateEditor: Made JSON format as default in UI, instead of YAML.
= TemplateEditor: Updated PDF viewer control.
= TemplateEditor: Made it look better on high-resolution displays (DPI awareness).
+ Added property 'fieldProperties.ocrSegmentationModeOverride' allowing to override OCR segmentation for rectangle fields. 
  This helps to outflank OCR engine's automatic segmentation issues on small rectangle fields.
+ Added the "repeat" group of parameters to fields. They allow to create rectangle fields that are repeating on pages with offset and step.
- Minor fix in company name search ('$$funcFindCompany' special function).
= Improved detection of decimal numbers.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (October 4, 2021)
- Fixed crash in CSV export on malformed regex table without columns.
+ Added 'globalTextFilters' parameter in the template options. It allows to remove some text from 
  extracted document text before parsing.
+ Added new macros: '{{Email}}', '{{ITIN}}', '{{SSN}}'.
- Template Editor: fixed crash on adding objects if the recent template file was deleted before the app started.
+ Implemented key-value regex fields.
+ DocumentParser: Added support for page ranges.
= Improved 'Classifier'.
= Improved DMY dates detection.
- Fixed false-positives of '{{Money}}' macro.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (May 18, 2021)
+ Added optional 'Description' parameter to the template and objects.
+ Added '{{LineEnd2}}' macro that also takes into account the end of the document.
+ Added '{{EndOfDocument}}' macro.
+ Added 'OcrResolution' parameter to the template options. 
+ Added property 'GenerateTimestamp'.
+ Added elapsed time to the JSON, YAML, and XML parsing results.
+ Template Editor: Added elapsed time to the parsing preview window.
= Text extraction performance improved for some PDF documents.
= Improved parsing of regex tables with subitems: 'subItemEnd' expression is now optional, 
  only 'subItemStart' expression is used to split row item to subitems.
- Fixed XML serialization of multiple parsing results (from PDF file with multiple 
  documents separated by 'documentStart' parameter).
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (February 8, 2021)
+ Added support for RTL text.
= Improved embedded generic templates.
= Improved '{{MONEY}}' macro.
= Template Editor: Fixed culture of values in generated grids in the preview window.
= Improved parsing of complex tables.
= Classifier: reworked syntax of rules.
= Parsing performance optimizations. (October 26, 2020)
- Fixed parsing of rectangle fields from image files.
= Improved parsing of German dates.
= Improved '{{MONEY}}' macro.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (August 27, 2020)
+ Added 'CSVOptions' class to control CSV output. See '.ParseDocument()' method overloads with the new argument.
- Fixed culture in custom output date formatting.
- Fixed multi-threading safety issue.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (August 20, 2020)
+ Added embedded templates for typical invoices and purchase orders.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (July 1, 2020)
= UI improvements in Template Editor.
- Fixed CSV export of fields that contain "new line" symbol.
+ Added 'ocrImageFilters' template option.
+ Added 'ocrWhiteList' and 'ocrBlackList' template options.
+ Implemented filters in table objects.
+ '-2' in PageIndex of field object means 'last page'.
= Improved macros.
= Improved date detection.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (May 12, 2020)
= Reworked Template Editor user interface.
= Improved parsing capabilities.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
! Template syntax changed. DocumentParser supports old templates without conversion. 
  Template Editor automatically upgrades old templates to the new version.
! Output data structure changed.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (March 6, 2020)
+ (NEW) Global macros instead of regular expressions in templates. See "Template Creation Guide" and samples.
+ (NEW) Template-level macros.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (February 11, 2020)
+ Added CSV output format (for fields only) to API and Template Editor.
+ Added table parameter 'introduction' to parse values from sub-headers as repeating columns.
- Fixed backward compatibility with templates of previous versions.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (December 4, 2019)
= Fixed parsing of regex fields with custom date format and non-default template culture.
= Fixed loss of table column properties when converting v2 template to v3.
= Fixed coalescing of fields containing embedded function.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (November 1, 2019)
+ New field type: "structure" - allows to specify field coordinates in a virtual table structure.
+ New field type: "direction" - allows to specify field by the direction and ordinal position from a keyword.
+ Template Editor: Added command line parameters.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (October 1, 2019)
= Improved template format to parse tables with complex sub-items.
+ Added the ability to merge the parsed columns.
+ Template Editor: Added handling of regex timeouts.
+ Added 'ClearTemplates()' method to clear the list of loaded templates.
+ Added 'ocrMode' template option allowing to force the optical recognition for documents of specific design.
= Auto-stripping of possible UTF-8 BOM from template text received from some stream readers.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (September 2, 2019)
- Fixed parsing of regex tables with subitems.
= Improved 'funcFindCompany' template function.
+ Added new template functions: 'funcFindCompanyNext', 'funcFindMaxNumber', 'funcFindMaxDate'.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
- Minor fix in template serialization to YAML format.
+ Template Editor: Added row numbers to preview grids.
- Template Editor: Fixed modification check on loading template from recent template list.
+ Template Editor: Added copy operations for template code in Test Template window.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (August 6, 2019)
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (July 09, 2019)
! Improved template capabilities. The syntax is changed, but v1 templates are supported for execution. 
  Use the Template Editor to convert to the newer format.
= Implemented macros to simplify the writing of search expressions.
= Improved OCR performance and stability.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
+ Added 'OCRMaximizeCPUUtilization' that allows improving OCR performance
  at the cost of maximized CPU utilization.
+ Added XML output format.
+ Template Editor: added navigation hotkeys.
= Template Editor: implemented detection of basic fields.
= Template Editor: greatly improved Test Template dialog.
+ Template Editor: added possibility to edit the template text directly.
+ Template Editor: added lists of recently used templates and test documents.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (April 19, 2019)
= Improved the optical recognition (OCR).
+ Minor fixes in Template Editor.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering. (April 4, 2019)
= Improved the optical recognition (OCR).
+ Added "Template Creation Guide".
+ Template Editor: Added "Template Options" window.
+ Added extracted document text preview in the "Test Template" window.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (March 12, 2019)
= Template Editor: Now Ctrl-PageUp and Ctrl-PageDown keys switch pages even if PDF viewer control 
  is not focused.
= Template Editor: Shift-Click on "Load" button reloads current template (useful if you edited it outside).
+ Added template culture (language) affecting parsing of numbers and dates.
+ Added support for multiple cultures in a single template. Useful if you have mixed representation 
  of numbers in one document.
= Improved company name detection.
= Improved parsing of numbers and dates.
= Improved PDF extraction and rendering. (January 31, 2019)
+ Added support for internal template functions; 
+ Added function '$$funcFindCompany'.
- Fixed fields renaming.
+ Template Editor now shows full-view cross cursor for convenient area selection.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (November 22, 2018)
+ Added numbers and dates auto-detection, 
+ Added "table" field type with CSV extraction.
+ Template Editor: Added field data types and formats.
= Other bugfixes and improvements. (November 12, 2018)
+ Template Editor now supports regex and static fields.
= Improved PDF extraction.
= Other minor bugfixes and improvements. (July 25, 2018)
+ Added support for multiple documents in single PDF file.
+ Added support for multiple tables in a single document.
+ Added page indexes to parsing results.
+ Added support for regex inside the rectangular extraction area.
+ Now supports both YAML and JSON formats for templates and output.
+ Added support for multiple templates in a single YAML or JSON file. (July 18, 2018)
+ Added "Template Editor" application that helps to create simple templates. (July 2, 2018)
+ Added support for multi-page table data.
+ Added image preprocessing filters allowing to improve OCR quality.
+ Added GetDocumentText() method which extracts text from document. It can be used for template composing and testing.
= Improved generic template.
= Default OCRMode changed to Auto.
= Embedded English language file into resources. (June 1, 2018)
= First public release.