Set Barcode Size - VBScript
BarCode SDK sample in VBScript demonstrating ‘Set Barcode Size’
Set bc = CreateObject("Bytescout.BarCode.Barcode")
' Display information about Code39 symbology
msgbox "Easiest way to specify barcode size is to use FitInto_3(width, height, unitOfMeasure) method." & vbCRLF & "Let's generate barcode of 500x300 pixels."
' Set symbology to Code39
bc.Symbology = 1 ' 1 = Code39 symbology type
' Set barcode value to encode
bc.Value = "012345"
' Set barcode size by specifying dimensions the barcode will be fit into.
' 3rd parameter is the unit of measure: 0 - Pixel, 1 - Point (1/72 inch), 2 - Inch, 3 - document unit (1/300 inch), 4 - Millimeter, 5 - Centimeter, 6 - Twip(1/20 inch).
' We use 3rd parameter as 0 (Pixel).
bc.FitInto_3 500, 300, 0
msgbox "Generated barcode is saved into 'result.png' file"
bc.SaveImage "result.png"
Set bc = Nothing
' Open the output file in default app
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
shell.Run "result.png", 1, false
Set shell = Nothing
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