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Generate barcode with multiline caption - VBScript

BarCode SDK sample in VBScript demonstrating ‘Generate barcode with multiline caption’

Set BC = CreateObject("Bytescout.BarCode.Barcode")

' Set barcode value to encode
BC.Value = "(01)07046261398572(17)130331(10)TEST5632(21)19067811811"

' set symbology to GS1-Datamatrix
BC.Symbology = 37

' Set additional caption and it's position
BC.AdditionalCaption = "(01)07046261398572" & Chr(10) & "(17)130331" & Chr(10) & "(10)TEST5632" & Chr(10) & "(21)19067811811"
BC.AdditionalCaptionPosition = 3

' Set path and save output image
Path = "result.png"
BC.SaveImage (Path)

' Open the output file in default app
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
shell.Run (Path), 1, false
Set shell = Nothing

Set bc = Nothing
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