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Generate PharmaCode - VB.NET

BarCode SDK sample in VB.NET demonstrating ‘Generate PharmaCode’

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Imports Bytescout.BarCode

Module Program

    Sub Main()


            ' Create new barcode
            Using barcode As Barcode = New Barcode()

                barcode.RegistrationName = "demo"
                barcode.RegistrationKey = "demo"

                ' Set symbology
                barcode.Symbology = SymbologyType.PharmaCode

                ' Optional margins
                barcode.Margins = New Margins(5, 5, 5, 5)

                ' Set Value
                barcode.Value = "12345"

                ' Set PharmaCode options:
                ' barcode.Options.PharmaCodeSupplementaryCode = True
                ' barcode.Options.PharmaCodeSupplementaryBarColor = Color.Orange
                ' barcode.Options.PharmaCodeMiniature = True
                ' barcode.Options.PharmaCodeTwoTrack = True

                ' Save 300 DPI Image
                barcode.ResolutionX = 300
                barcode.ResolutionY = 300
                barcode.SaveImage("300dpi.png", ImageFormat.Png)

                ' Save 600 DPI Image
                barcode.ResolutionX = 600
                barcode.ResolutionY = 600
                barcode.SaveImage("600dpi.png", ImageFormat.Png)

            End Using

            ' Show image in default image viewer

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

        Console.WriteLine("Press enter key to exit...")

    End Sub

End Module

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