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Generate Barcodes In Word with VBA - Microsoft Word

BarCode SDK sample in Microsoft Word demonstrating ‘Generate Barcodes In Word with VBA’

' IMPORTANT: This demo uses VBA so if you have it disabled please temporary enable
' by going to Tools - Macro - Security.. and changing the security mode to ""Medium""
' to Ask if you want enable macro or not. Then close and reopen this Excel document

' You should have evaluation version of the ByteScout SDK installed to get it working - get it from

' If you are getting error message like
' "File or assembly named Bytescout SDK, or one of its dependencies, was not found"
' then please try the following:
' - Close Excel
' - (for Office 2003 only) download and install this hotfix from Microsoft:
' and then try again!
' If you have any questions please contact us at or at

'References used
'Bytescout Barcode SDK
' ==============================================================
'1) Add the ActiveX reference in Tools -> References
'2) Loop through the values from the first Column for which barcode has to be generated
'3) Parse the value to Bytescout Barcode Object to generate the barcode using QR Code barcode type.
'4) Save the generated Barcode Image
'5) Insert the Barcode Image in the second Column
'6) Repeat the steps 3 to 5 till the last Value in the first Column
Option Explicit

' declare function to get temporary folder (where we could save barcode images temporary)
Declare Function GetTempPath _
Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempPathA" _
(ByVal nBufferLength As Long, _
ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long
Dim myTable As Table
Dim myRow As Integer
Dim myCell As Range
' function to return path to temporary folder
Public Function fncGetTempPath() As String
    Dim PathLen As Long
    Dim WinTempDir As String
    Dim BufferLength As Long
    BufferLength = 260
    WinTempDir = Space(BufferLength)
    PathLen = GetTempPath(BufferLength, WinTempDir)
    If Not PathLen = 0 Then
        fncGetTempPath = Left(WinTempDir, PathLen)
        fncGetTempPath = CurDir()
    End If
End Function

Sub Generate_Barcode()
'temp path to save the Barcode images
Dim filePath As String
filePath = fncGetTempPath()            'Change the Path But should end with Backslash( \ )

Set myTable = ActiveDocument.Tables.Item(1)

'Prepare the Bytescout Barcode Object
Dim myBarcode As New Bytescout_BarCode.Barcode

myBarcode.RegistrationName = "demo"         'Change the name for full version
myBarcode.RegistrationKey = "demo"          'Change the key for full version

'Barcode Settings
myBarcode.Symbology = SymbologyType_QRCode  ' QR Code barcode, you may change to other barcode types like Code 39, Code 128 etc

' set barcode image quality resolution
myBarcode.ResolutionX = 300                 'Resolution higher than 250 is good for printing
myBarcode.ResolutionY = 300                 'Resolution higher than 250 is good for printing

myBarcode.DrawCaption = True                'Showing Barcode Captions in the Barcode Image
myBarcode.DrawCaptionFor2DBarcodes = True   ' show captions for 2D barcodes like QR Code

'Remove the Old Barcode images (if any)

' now generate new barcodes and insert into cells in the second column
' Repeat the steps for each row from 2 to 6

For myRow = 2 To 6
    Set myCell = myTable.Cell(myRow, 1).Range
    'Parse the Value from the first Column to Bytescout Barcode Object
    myBarcode.Value = myCell.Text
    'Fit the barcode into 60X25 mm rectangle
    myBarcode.FitInto_3 60, 25, 4           '4 refers to units of measurement as millimeter
    'Save the barcode image to a file in temporary folder
    myBarcode.SaveImage filePath & "myBarcode" & myRow - 1 & ".png"

    'Insert the Barcode image to the second Column
    Set myCell = myTable.Cell(myRow, 2).Range
    myCell.InlineShapes.AddPicture filePath & "myBarcode" & myRow - 1 & ".png"
Next myRow

End Sub

' clears barcodes images (if any) from the column
Sub Clear_Barcode()
Set myTable = ActiveDocument.Tables.Item(1)

'Remove the Old Barcode images (if any)
For myRow = 2 To 6
    Set myCell = myTable.Cell(myRow, 2).Range
    If myCell.InlineShapes.Count = 1 Then myCell.InlineShapes.Item(1).Delete
Next myRow

End Sub

Explore SDK documentations here.
Reference Error - README.txt
' IMPORTANT: This demo uses VBA so if you have it disabled please temporary enable
' by going to Tools - Macro - Security.. and changing the security mode to ""Medium""
' to Ask if you want enable macro or not. Then close and reopen this Excel document

' You should have evaluation version of the ByteScout SDK installed to get it working - get it from

' If you are getting error message like
' "File or assembly named Bytescout SDK, or one of its dependencies, was not found"
' then please try the following:
' - Close Excel
' - (for Office 2003 only) download and install this hotfix from Microsoft:
' and then try again!
' If you have any questions please contact us at or at

Explore SDK documentations here.

Download Source Code (.zip)

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