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Generate Barcode - JavaScript

BarCode SDK sample in JavaScript demonstrating ‘Generate Barcode’


 var bc = WScript.CreateObject('Bytescout.BarCode.Barcode');

 // set symbology to Code39
 bc.Symbology = 1; // 1 = Code39 symbology type

 // set barcode value to encode
 bc.Value = "012345";

 // Saving Code39 barcode to 'Code39.png'

 bc.SaveImage ("Code39.png");

 // Encoding '012345' using Aztec symbology

 // set symbology to Aztec (2D)
 bc.Symbology = 17; // 17 = Aztec

 // set barcode value to encode
 bc.Value = "012345";

 // Encoding '012345' using Aztec  symbology" & vbCRLF & bc.GetValueRestrictions(17), where 17 = Code39 symbology

 bc.SaveImage ("Aztec.png");

 bc = null

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