MaxiCode Mode 2-3 Postal Barcode - C#
BarCode SDK sample in C# demonstrating ‘MaxiCode Mode 2-3 Postal Barcode’
using Bytescout.BarCode;
namespace PostalMaxiCode
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create and activate Barcode object instance
Barcode barcode = new Barcode();
barcode.RegistrationName = "demo";
barcode.RegistrationKey = "demo";
// Set barcode symbology (type)
barcode.Symbology = SymbologyType.MaxiCode;
// Set MaxiCode mode
barcode.Options.MaxiCodeMode = 2; // 2 or 3 depending on the postal code
// Make barcode dots larger (5 pixels)
barcode.NarrowBarWidth = 5;
// Prepare barcode value:
// Special data signatures
string mode23Signature = "[)>" + '\x1E' + "01" + '\x1D' + "96";
char separator = '\x1D';
string endingSignature = "\x1E" + '\x04';
// Mandatory data part.
string postalCode = "123456789"; // 5 or 9 digits in the USA (Mode 2); 1-6 alphanumeric characters in other countries (Mode 3)
string countryCode = "840"; // 3 digits (840 for USA)
string classOfService = "001"; // 3 digits
string trackingNumber = "S1Z12345678G"; // 10-character alphanumeric
string upsStandardCarrierAlphaCode = "UPSN";
// Optional data part.
// Note, you can use empty strings for unneeded field values like `packageInShipment` or `weightInPounds`
// but they should delimited with the separator anyway.
string upsShipperNumber = "S06X610"; // 6-character alphanumeric
string julianDayOfPickup = "159"; // 3 digits
string shipmentIdNumber = "1234567"; // 1-30 character alphanumeric
string packageInShipment = "1/2"; // 1-4 digits “/” 1-4 digits
string weightInPounds = "3.1"; // 1-5 digits
string addressValidation = "Y"; // “Y” or “N”
string shipToAddress = "S123 MAIN ST"; // 1-35 alphanumeric
string shipToCity = "YORK"; // 1 - 35 alphanumeric
string shipToState = "PA"; // 2-character alpha
// Generate minimal postal code:
string minimalValue = mode23Signature +
postalCode + separator +
countryCode + separator +
classOfService + separator +
trackingNumber + separator +
upsStandardCarrierAlphaCode +
barcode.Value = minimalValue;
// Generate full postal code:
string fullValue = mode23Signature +
postalCode + separator +
countryCode + separator +
classOfService + separator +
trackingNumber + separator +
upsStandardCarrierAlphaCode + separator +
upsShipperNumber + separator +
julianDayOfPickup + separator +
shipmentIdNumber + separator +
packageInShipment + separator +
weightInPounds + separator +
addressValidation + separator +
shipToAddress + separator +
shipToCity + separator +
shipToState +
barcode.Value = fullValue;
// Cleanup
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