Rename Files To Barcode Values - VBScript
BarCode Reader SDK sample in VBScript demonstrating ‘Rename Files To Barcode Values’
if WScript.Arguments.Count < 2 Then
MsgBox "Run with the folder path as the argument" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "RenameFiles.vbs InputFolder\ OutputFolder\"
WScript.Quit 0
End If
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' define allowed input images extensions
inputImagesExtensions = "JPG,JPEG,PNG,BMP,PDF,TIF"
' make sure they all are upper cases
inputImagesExtensions = UCASE(inputImagesExtensions)
Set bc = CreateObject("Bytescout.BarCodeReader.Reader")
' Set barcode types to find:
bc.BarcodeTypesToFind.Code39 = True
bc.BarcodeTypesToFind.QRCode = True
bc.BarcodeTypesToFind.PDF417 = True
Set objinputFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(WScript.Arguments(0))
' output folder
set objOutputFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(WScript.Arguments(1))
Call ShowSubfolders (objinputFolder)
WScript.Quit 0
Sub ShowSubFolders(fFolder)
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(fFolder.Path)
Set colFiles = objFolder.Files
For Each objFile in colFiles
' check if allowed extension
If inStr(inputImagesExtensions, UCase(objFSO.GetExtensionName(>0 Then
' read barcode from filename
WScript.Echo "Reading from: " & objFile.Path
bc.ReadFromFile objFile.Path
' getting the sub folder path
outputSubFolder = Replace(objFile.Path, objinputFolder.Path, "")
outputSubFolder = Replace(outputSubFolder, objFile.Name, "")
' rename the file to the value of the very first barcode found on this image or pdf
newFileName = bc.GetFoundBarcodeValue(0) & "." & objFSO.GetExtensionName(
' replace some special characters as they may not be allowed for use in filename
newFileName = Replace(newFileName, "<", "_")
newFileName = Replace(newFileName, ">", "_")
' first check if output subfolder exists
if Not objFSO.FolderExists (objOutputFolder.Path & outputSubFolder) Then
objFSO.CreateFolder objOutputFolder.Path & outputSubFolder
End If
WScript.Echo "Copying and renaming " & objFile.path & " into " & objOutputFolder.Path & outputSubFolder & newFileName
' copying the source file into output folder with new filename based on the barcode value
objFSO.CopyFile objFile.path, objOutputFolder.Path & outputSubFolder & newFileName
End If
For Each Subfolder in fFolder.SubFolders
End Sub
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REM running from the command line
cscript.exe RenameFilesToBarcodeValues.vbs "input" "output"