Read Barcode From Webcam or Scanner - VBScript
BarCode Reader SDK sample in VBScript demonstrating ‘Read Barcode From Webcam or Scanner’
Set wia = CreateObject("Bytescout.BarCodeReader.WIAImageScanner")
wia.OutputFileNameTemplate = "BarCodeReader-scanned"
wia.OutputFolder = "." ' set output folder to current folder
wia.OutputImageFormat = 1 ' = WiaImageFormatType.PNG
wia.ImageQuality = 131072 ' = 0x00020000 = WiaImageBias.MaximizeQuality
wia.ImageIntent = 0 ' = WiaImageIntent.UnspecifiedIntent
wia.ShowDeviceSelectionDialog = True
If wia.Acquire() Then ' acquire images from device
outputFiles = wia.OutputFilesCOM ' get names of acquire image files
Msgbox outputFiles(0) ' display first file name
End If
Set wia = Nothing
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