Display License Info - VBScript
BarCode Reader SDK sample in VBScript demonstrating ‘Display License Info’
' Create reader class instance
Set reader = CreateObject("Bytescout.BarCodeReader.Reader")
reader.RegistrationName = "demo"
reader.RegistrationKey = "demo"
' Set license Info
Set licenseInfo = reader.LicenseInfo
outputMsg = "===============================" + vbCRLF
outputMsg = outputMsg + "======== License Info =========" + vbCRLF
outputMsg = outputMsg + "===============================" + vbCRLF
outputMsg = outputMsg + "License type: " & licenseInfo.LicenseType & vbCRLF
outputMsg = outputMsg + "License limit type: " & licenseInfo.LimitType & vbCRLF
outputMsg = outputMsg + "Limit of license units: " & licenseInfo.Limit & vbCRLF
outputMsg = outputMsg + "License limit term: " & licenseInfo.LimitTerm & vbCRLF
outputMsg = outputMsg + "No of remaining license units: " & licenseInfo.Remainder & vbCRLF
outputMsg = outputMsg + "Update expires On: " & licenseInfo.UpdatesExpireOn & vbCRLF
outputMsg = outputMsg + "===============================" + vbCRLF
MsgBox outputMsg
Set reader = Nothing
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