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Barcode Reading Profiles - VBScript

BarCode Reader SDK sample in VBScript demonstrating ‘Barcode Reading Profiles’

' This example demonstrates the use of profiles. Profiles are set of properties 
' allowing to apply them to Reader in any combination quickly. You can use 
' predefined profiles or create you own in JSON format like in this example.

' Create Bytescout.PDFExtractor.TextExtractor object
Set reader1 = CreateObject("Bytescout.BarCodeReader.Reader")
reader1.RegistrationName = "demo"
reader1.RegistrationKey = "demo"

' Apply predefined profiles:
' enable Code39;
' enable EAN-13;
' render PDF at 150 DPI resoultion.
reader1.Profiles = "code39, ean13, pdf150dpi"

' Decode and show barcodes from sample1.pdf
reader1.ReadFromFile "sample1.pdf"
For i = 0 To reader1.FoundCount - 1
    WScript.Echo "Found type " & reader1.GetFoundBarcodeType(i) & " barcode with value " & reader1.GetFoundBarcodeValue(i) & """"

Set reader2 = CreateObject("Bytescout.BarCodeReader.Reader")
reader2.RegistrationName = "demo"
reader2.RegistrationKey = "demo"

' Load and apply custom profiles
reader2.LoadProfiles "profiles.json"
reader2.Profiles = "negative-distorted-datamatrix"

' Decode and show barcodes from sample2.png
reader2.ReadFromFile "sample2.png"
For i = 0 To reader2.FoundCount - 1
    WScript.Echo "Found type " & reader2.GetFoundBarcodeType(i) & " barcode with value " & reader2.GetFoundBarcodeValue(i) & """"

Explore SDK documentations here.
    "profiles": [
            "distorted-pdf": {
                "PDFRenderingResolution": "300",
				"RemoveNoize": "true",
                "NoiseRemovalFilterType": "Median",
                "NoiseRemovalFilterSize": "2"
            "negative-distorted-datamatrix": {
                "BarcodeTypesToFind.DataMatrix": "true",
                "SearchNegative": "true",
				"HeuristicMode": "true"

Explore SDK documentations here.

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