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Export Results to XML, CSV, TXT - VB.NET

BarCode Reader SDK sample in VB.NET demonstrating ‘Export Results to XML, CSV, TXT’

Imports System.IO
Imports Bytescout.BarCodeReader
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Xml

Module Module1

    Sub Main()

        Dim reader As New Reader()
        reader.RegistrationName = "demo"
		reader.RegistrationKey = "demo"

        ' Set barcode type to find
        reader.BarcodeTypesToFind.All1D = True

        ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        ' NOTE: We can read barcodes from specific page to increase performance .
        ' For sample please refer to "Decoding barcodes from PDF by pages" program.
        ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 

        ' Read barcodes

        ' Export to files:
        ' ================

        ' 1. Export found barcodes to XML

        ' 2a. Export found barcodes to CSV with default delimiter, quotation and character encoding

        ' 2b. Export found barcodes to CSV with custom delimiter, quotation and character encoding
        reader.ExportFoundBarcodesToCSV("barcodes2.csv", "|", "'", Encoding.UTF8)

        ' 3a. Export found barcodes to plain text file in default character encoding

        ' 3b. Export only values of found barcodes to plain text file in custom character encoding
        reader.ExportFoundBarcodesToTXT("barcodes2.txt", True, Encoding.ASCII)

        ' Get formatted result to a variable for further processing
        ' =========================================================

        ' 1a. Get found barcodes as XmlDocument
        Dim xmlDocument As XmlDocument = reader.ExportFoundBarcodesToXMLDocument()

        ' 1b. Get found barcodes as XML string
        Dim xmlString = reader.ExportFoundBarcodesToXML()

        ' 2a. Get found barcodes as string in CSV format with default delimiter and quotation
        Dim csv As String = reader.ExportFoundBarcodesToCSV()

        ' 2b. Get found barcodes as string in CSV format with custom delimiter and quotation
        Dim csv2 As String = reader.ExportFoundBarcodesToCSV("|", "'")

        ' 3. Get found barcodes as string in plain text format
        Dim txt As String = reader.ExportFoundBarcodesToTXT()

        ' 4. Get found barcodes as string in JSON format
        Dim jsonString = reader.ExportFoundBarcodesToJSON()


    End Sub

End Module

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