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History (changes log)

ByteScout Barcode Reader SDK history of changes.

- - bug fixed
+ - new feature
= - changed
! - critical
------------------------- (July 14, 2023)
= Minor improvements and bugfixes. (April 27, 2023)
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Improved .Net Core compatibility.
= Enabled rotation for micro pdf 
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (September 27, 2022)
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (June 7, 2022)
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (January 24, 2022)
+ Demo App: Added profiles generation for Web API and on-prem API Server.
= Demo App: Made it DPI aware.
= .NET Core min required version is 2.1 now (was 2.0).
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (October 4, 2021)
- Fixed unhandled exception on decoding timeout.
- Fixed barcode rectangle adjustment after applying scaling filters.
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (May 18, 2021)
= Improved DataMatrix decoding.
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (February 8, 2021)
= Improved decoding of PDF417 barcodes.
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
+ Added support for simplified profiles.
= Member names in profiles are case-insensitive now.
+ Added 'EnlargeSmallImages' parameter to the 'Scale' preprocessing filter with the size limit. 
  It allows to scale all input images to the same physical dimensions.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (October 26, 2020)
+ Added properties 'PDFRenderImages' and 'PDFRenderVectors' (in addition to 'PDFRenderText') allowing 
  to enable or disable rendering of raster and vector objects in PDF documents. Sometimes this can improve performance.
+ Added the 'DecoderSpecificOptions.DataMatrix_DepthOfAnalysis' special option that 
  allows to solve rare performance issues when decoding DataMatrix barcodes.
- Fixed thread safety issue.
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (July 1, 2020)
+ Added parsing of AAMVA metadata to PDF417 decoder. AAMVA is used in driver licenses and other identification cards.
= Valid sequences of Macro PDF417 barcodes are now decoded as a single barcode.
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (March 19, 2020)
= Added 'PDFFontSmoothing' property that allows to enable/disable font anti-aliasing during PDF rendering. 
  Can help decode some barcodes that are drawn using fonts.
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (February 11, 2020)
= Raised priority of vertical orientations against diagonal orientations when ALL barcode orientations selected.
- Fixed .NET Core compatibility issue.
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (December 4, 2019)
= Improved decoding of PDF417 barcodes.
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (November 1, 2019)
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (October 1, 2019)
- Fixed a bug where some of the QR-code of a certain size can not be decoded.
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (September 2, 2019)
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (August 6, 2019)
= Improved parsing and rendering of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (July 1, 2019)
= Improved processing of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (June 4, 2019)
= Improved Optical Marks Recognition (OMR): circles and rectangles with 
  check marks protruding beyond the boundaries of the object.
= Improved decoding of PDF417 barcodes.
= Improved recognition of Code 39 barcodes drawn by fonts.
- Fixed missing FNC1 control symbol in decoded GS1 DataMatrix values.
= Improved processing of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (April 22, 2019)
- Fixed decoding results in VideoCameraModule.
- Fixed PDF processing in 32-bit mode under the SYSTEM account.
= Improved support for strict environments such as Azure.
= Improved processing of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (April 1, 2019)
- Fixed decoding of PDF417 barcodes in included BarCodeReader demo application.
- Fixed decoding of non-ECC200 DataMatrix barcodes in included BarCodeReader demo application.
= Improved processing of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (March 12, 2019)
! Fixed VideoCameraModule.
- Fixed issue with small DataMatrix barcodes, which sometimes could not be decoded.
= Improved handling of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (January 31, 2019)
- Fixed 'MinimalDataLength' property for some barcode types.
= 'ImagePreprocessingFilters' is now accessible from COM/ActiveX.
= Improved handling of PDF documents.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (December 28, 2018)
= Performance improvements.
- Fixed decoding of mirrored QR Codes.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (December 10, 2018)
+ Added .NET Core compatible assemblies.
+ Added method 'Reader.ExportFoundBarcodesToJSON()'.
= Improved export of found barcodes to plain text and CSV.
+ Demo app: Added multi-page decoding.
+ Demo app: Added export of found barcodes to JSON.
= Demo app: Improved export of found barcodes to plain text and CSV.
= Other minor improvements and bugfixes. (October 24, 2018)
- Fixed Code 39 Extended characters decoding.
- Fixed PDF processing mode "PDFReadingMode.ExtractEmbeddedImagesOnly".
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes.
= Improved PDF documents rendering. (July 18, 2018)
- Fixed slowing of DataMatrix decoder in rare cases.
- Fixed confidence calculation in MICR decoder.
- Fixed minor bugs in the demo application.
= Improved PDF documents rendering.
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes. (April 09, 2018)
= Improved MicroQR barcodes decoding.
= Improved handling of PDF documents with DataMatrix barcodes drawn with fonts.
- Fixed crash on very narrow barcode images of less than 9 pixels in width or height.
- Fixed EAN-13 false positives when decoding only UPC-A barcodes.
- ReadFromHBitmap, ReadFromStream and ReadFromMemory methods were not supported PDF files as input.
- Added overloads for ReadFromHBitmap, ReadFromStream and ReadFromMemory methods allowing to specify a page range.
= Improved documentation.
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes. (January 22, 2018)
= Performance improvements.
+ Implemented decoding of DataMatrix ECC 0-140 barcodes.
= Improved MicroQR barcodes decoding.
= Improved DPM DataMatrix decoding.
= Improved EAN and UPC barcodes decoding.
- Fixed decoded text charset detection.
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes. (November 8, 2017)
- Fixed issue with decoding barcodes from multi-page TIFFs.
= Improved PDF documents rendering.
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes. (August 1, 2017)
+ Added methods to decode barcodes from image file in memory (stream or byte array).
- Fixed rare crashes when Heuristic Mode enabled.
- Fixed ReadFromHBitmap() method crashing on x86 platform.
= Improved PDF documents rendering.
= WIAImageScanner class now able to aquire multiple images from still imaging devices.
+ New DPM DataMatrix decoder (BETA).
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes. (June 1, 2017)
= Performance improvements.
= Removed obsolete ClientProfile assemblies.
= 'SearchNegative' and 'OptimizedProcessingOfLargeImages' properties got obsolete 
  and replaced with 'ImagePreprocessingFilters'.
= Median filter replaced with better and faster implementation.
+ Added gamma correction filter.
- Fixed rare crash on MICR barcodes.
- Fixed OMR multi-threading routine.
+ Barcode Reader Freeware: Added Image Adjustments tab to Options dialog and Results wizard.
+ Added Preview for image preprocessing.
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes. (April 12, 2017)
+ The decoding is multi-threaded now.
= Performance improvements.
= Linear barcodes are scanned in two direction by default now: from left to right and from right to left.
- Minor fix in PDF417 decoding. (March 09, 2017)
= Improved decoding of 180deg-rotated DataMatrix.
+ Added new API for image preprocessing filters.
= Old preprocessing properties made obsolete: RemoveNoize, NoiseRemovalFilterSize, NoiseRemovalFilterType, Contrast.
+ Added new image preprocessing filters: Scale, Auto-cropping.
+ Added enhanced color conversion mode for better decoding of barcodes from photo images.
= Updated VideoCameraModule.
- Fixed rare error in Code39 decoder. (January 11, 2017)
- Fixed malfunctioning MaxNumberOfBarcodesPerPage property when different (1D/2D/OMR) barcode types enabled.
+ Added Reader.DecoderSpecificOptions for fine tuning of specific decoders.
+ Added ScanStep property defining row scan interval for linear barcodes;
- Code 128: Fixed zero-length false positives.
= Improved DataMatrix decoding.
- Intelligent Mail: Fixed zero-padding of value components.
+ Added support for profiles - quick way to apply multiple settings at once.
= Improved Heuristic mode.
- EXIF rotation tag in photo images is correctly handled now.
- Improved handling of TIFF images with 204x98 DPI resoultion.
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes. (October 21, 2016)
+ Added support for alternative error correction mode for 144x144 DataMatrix barcodes.
= Improved decoding of maformed Code 128 barcodes.
+ Added support for merged QR Codes.
= Improved check boxes recognition;
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes. (August 15, 2016)
+ Demo Application: Added page navigation controls for multi-page TIFF files.
+ Improved PDF417 decoding.
= Improved PDF documents rendering.
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes. (June 16, 2016)
= Improved Code 39 edge tracking.
= Improved decoding of distorted Code 39 and Code 128 barcodes.
= Improved handling of PDF files.
= Demo application UI improvements.
+ Added override for Reader.ReadFrom() method allowing to specify the page range.
- Fixed page range bug in Reader.ReadFromPdfFilePage() method.
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes.

8.40.1534 (April 11, 2016)
= Improved QR Code decoding.
- Fixed duplication of detected barcodes in rare cases.
- Fixed PDF417 error correction.
- Fixed MinimalDataLength property.
+ Demo Application: Added "Export Results As..." button.

8.35.1497 (February 8, 2016)
+ Implemented Heuristic Mode (automatic decoding retry with different image processing options).
= Improved QR Code decoding and added support for various QR internal formats: ECI, FNC1, etc.
= Improved PDF rendering.
= Improved decoding of damaged Datamatrix barcodes.
= Improved decoding of blurred PDF417 barcodes.
= Improved Code 128 decoding.
+ Added PDFOptimizeSplittedParts property.

8.30.1468 (November 5, 2015)
barcode reading and barcode reading from PDF and TIFF improved
minor issues in BarcodeFound event fixed
new sample: "Export Results to XML, CSV, TXT" for c# and VB.NET
MSI barcodes are now excluded from .All1D search 
New API to export found barcodes to XML, CSV and TXT files 
Now can also export barcodes as XML, CSV, TXT in GUI utility
New .ColorConversionMode property to control the threshold method while reading barcodes
Code 128 barcode reader improved
Barcodes reading from PDF improved
Barcode Reader Console adds EAN-13 support for EAN2 and EAN5 supplementary barcodes ConsoleTest adds support for UPCA, UPCE, EAN-13, EAN13-2 (with supplemental ean2 or ean5)
TIFF splitting improved 
output barcodes are now sorted by their top-left coordinate
new GetPdfPageCount() methods to read number of pages in PDF
minor bug-fixes and samples updates

8.25.1437 (September 18, 2015)
reading barcodes from PDF improved
minor bug-fixes and samples updates

8.24.1421 (August 27, 2015)
read barcodes in .NET from images, pdf, live camera
barcode reading improved
barcode reading from PDF improved
updated source code samples
minor bug-fixes and improvements

8.21.1361 (April 6, 2015)
improved barcode decoding from images and pdf
improved PDF support
minor bug-fixes in linear and 2D barcodes reading
Code 39 reading improved
PZN barcodes suppport improved
minor bug-fixes

8.20.1340 (March 3, 2015)
minor fixes in linear barcodes reading support
minor improvements in PDF support

8.20.1333 (February 24, 2015)
.OptimizedProcessingOfLargeImages is disabled by default now
Code 39 decoding fixed, Code 39 Extended now supported
ReadFrom(pdf) method minor issues fixed
minor issue with quiet zone option for linear barcodes fixed
minor fixes

8.20.1312 (January 28, 2015)
improved barcode reading support in .net and
improved pdf reading support
new source code samples added
updated documentation

8.10.1290 (December 12, 2014)
reads barcodes from pdf files better in and .net
pdf reading improved
source code samples improved 
documentation files
minor fixes

8.10.1269 (October 16, 2014)
read barcodes in .net, read barcodes in from images, tiff and pdf
support for PZN barcodes added
support for Circular barcodes added
WPF samples added showing reading barcodes from live camera
reading barcodes from web cam samples modified for use in your projects as one time popup dialog
minor samples updates
API documentation updates

8.10.1220 (July 31, 2014)
improved reading of images with noise
improved PDF reading support
(Pro License) new method .SplitDocument() to split PDF and TIFF files
(Pro License) new source code samples on splitting PDF and TIFF documents
(Pro License) new method to extract pages from PDF or TIFF: ExtractPageFromDocument()
stability improvements
Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode reading improved
documentation and samples updated

8.00.1182 (May 23, 2014)
minor bug-fixes in 1D and 2D barcodes reading
minor fixes in "Read From Live Cam" VB.NET and C# source code samples
multithreading support improvements

8.00.1172 (May 10, 2014)
read barcodes faster and better in your desktop and web applications
new barcode types supported: GTIN-8, GTIN-12, ITF-14, Code 93, MSI, GTIN-14
improved support for barcode reading from noisy images (lot of images works without need to enable noise removal)
IMPORTANT: changes to the API: barcode type selection changed to set of bool properties, for example, now you should set barcode types like this: bc.BarcodeTypesToFind.EAN13 = true
PDF support improved
improved 2D barcodes reading
new source code samples added
multithreading support improved
minor bug-fixes and improvements (March 3, 2014)
PDF support improved
issue with reading first barcode only from PDF documents was fixed
improved 2D barcodes reading
WIAImageScanner class is available through ActiveX/COM
Postnet (1D) and MicroPDF (2D) barcodes support added
new samples: ASP.NET\Barcodes from Live WebCam (C#)\ to show how to read barcodes in web application from live web cam
Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes support improved
minor bug-fixes and improvements (December 24, 2013)
read barcode from image with this updated SDK
PDF support improved
Datamatrix reader minor fixes and improvements
minor fixes

6.00.968 (December 9, 2013)
read barcode from images in asp and .net apps!
new 1D barcodes supported: Intelligent Mail, Royal Mail, Royal Mail, Australia Post Code
new 2D barcodes supported: Codablock F
new source code samples for C# and VB: Intelligent Mail, Royal Mail, Royal Mail, Australia Post Code, CodaBlock F, Patch code
improved PDF files support
minor bug-fixes and improvements

5.10.925 (October 31, 2013)
improved PDF support
improved PDF reading speed 
minor bug-fixes

5.10.914 (October 16, 2013)
reads barcodes from images and PDF better!
C# and VB.NET samples updated to reflect changes in the API (OrientationType changes)
issue with reading barcodes from multipaged PDF files improved
improved PDF support
improved reading of linear barcodes when they are located at the bottom of the image
minor bug-fixes

5.00.875 (August 19, 2013)
reads barcodes from images and pdf 
!IMPORTANT!: OrientationType has been changed to include all available scan directions. Please update the code accordingly, see the documentation for new OrientationType values 
.SearchMirrored is now obsolete (use the updated .OrientationType instead)
improved linear barcodes scanning
improved interface in the demo utility 
minor bug-fixes

4.10.845 (June 25, 2013)
minor speed optimizations for linear barcodes decoding
OneBarcodePerImage is marked as obsolete, use .MaxNumberOfBarcodesPerPage (set to 1 for one barcode, 2 for two barcodes on a page etc)
OneSymbologyPerImage property is marked as obsolete
minor bug-fixes

4.00.842 (June 20, 2013)
improved read of barcodes in .net and apps
improved support for PDF files reading
source code samples updated
minor bug-fixes and improvements

4.00.837 (June 3, 2013)
read barcode from .net apps faster
NEW: MICR reading support added 
improved PDF reading support
minor bug-fixes and improvements

3.20.798 (May 1, 2013)
read barcode from images in .net better and faster
improved barcode reading from PDF files
MaxiCode reading support added
minor bug-fixes and improvements

3.00.771 (April 13, 2013)
improved barcode reading from PDF files
new source code sample: Batch Read From Files/
source code samples improved to work on any .NET framework
minor improvements in demo application
minor bug-fixes and improvements

3.00.759 (March 15, 2013)
improved EAN13 decoding along with the supplemental barcode
improved support for Code 128
now "search mirrored barcodes" is enabled by default for linear barcodes (code 39, code 128 etc). You may turn it off to speed up the decoding if you do not scan mirrored images
minor bug-fixes

3.00.753 (March 12, 2013)
improved barcode decoding in .NET
issue with lot of incorrect Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes fixed
minor bug-fixes

3.00.741 (March 11, 2013)
new sample capturing barcodes from live web camera (see C# and VB.NET for new "Acquire From Scanner And Decode" sample)
barcode reader freeware now includes "Decode from Live Camera" functionality
improved barcodes support
minor updates

3.00.711 (March 1, 2013)
new class to acquire images from scanner: Bytescout.BarCodeReader.WIAImageScanner to acquire images from WIA devices
new sample for C# and VB.NET: Acquire From Scanner And Decode
issue Acquire button not working in BarCode Reader demo utility was fixed
minor issues with barcode decoding fixed
minor bug-fixes

3.00.685 (February 23, 2013)
major processing speed improvements
memory consumption decreased
improved PDF support
updated documentation
updated source code samples

2.60.621 (January 24, 2013)
QR Code and Aztec barcodes reading in .net speed improved
PDF support and reading speed improved
minor bug-fixes and improvements

2.50.593 (December 12, 2012)
Barcode reading in .net speed improved
Datamatrix support improved
PDF support and reading speed improved
minor bug-fixes and improvements

2.40.564 (November 19, 2012)
GS1 barcodes (RSS barcodes) reading support added: GS Databar, GS Databar Truncated, GS1 Omnidirectional, GS1 Databar Limited, GS1 Databar Expanded
improved PDF reading support
minor bug-fixes

2.30.484 (August 24, 2012)
read barcode functionality improved
memory consumption decreased while decoding 2d barcodes
improved PDF reading support
minor bug-fixes

2.30.473 (August 6, 2012)
improved barcode reading
Trioptic Code39 decoding added
improved PDF reading support
minor bug-fixes and improvements

2.20.452 (May 4, 2012)
barcode decoding from PDF files improved
1D linear barcodes reading improved
PDF reading speed increased
minor bug-fixes

2.20.433 (February 8, 2012)
improved QR Code barcodes decoding
improved PDF417 barcodes decoding
improved PDF reading
minor bug-fixes

2.20.412 (January 24, 2012)
QR code barcodes decoding improved
minor bug-fixes

2.20.409 (January 17, 2012)
Barcode Reader GUI freeware adds MaxNumberOfBarcodesPerPage property to the main toolbar
New property to speed up decoding when you know number of barcodes expected on a page: .MaxNumberOfBarcodesPerPage (set to 0 by default for unlimited number of barcodes)
Datamatrix minor decoding issues fixed
Extended1D decoding mode (.Decode1DExtended = true) improved and working much faster now
default PDFRenderingResolution changed to 150 dpi 
documentation updated
COM compatibility improved (in ActiveX mode)

2.20.386 (November 14, 2011)
better support for PDF files reading
minor internal improvements
new samples for Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010
minor bug-fixes

2.20.374 (October 4, 2011)
Datamatrix reading speed improved
QR Code reading speed improved
PDF417 reading speed improved
minor bug-fixes

2.20.335 (July 15, 2011)
PDF reading speed improved
minor bug-fixes

2.20.323 (18 May 2011)
pdf reading speed improved
minor bug-fixes

2.20.321 (10 April 2011)
new properties PDFReadingMode, PDFRenderingResolution
fixing bug in PDF processing: wrong page range has been processed
improved PDF format support
fixed bug in Code39 decoder and added unit test
updated XML documentation
barcode reader sdk setup updates

2.10.306 (10 February 2011)
* 2D barcodes decoding improved 
* minor changes in the GUI demonstration
+ 1D barcode reading: OneDThresholdFilterMethod property added to change image preprocessing filter to Whole (default) or Block filters (works better for some images with different kind of lights or noise)
* minor bug-fixes and improvements (7 December 2010)
* minor bug-fixes and improvements (11 November 2010)
+ now supports reading from PDF WITHOUT any additional libraries or tools required
+ now reads Aztec barcodes
+ now reads QR Code barcodes
* barcode reader utility has been updated and improved
* minor bug-fixes and improvements

2.00.209 (15 July 2010) 
* minor bug-fixes and improvements

2.00.202 (25 June 2010) 
+ support for PDF417 and Datamatrix barcodes has been added
+ updated Barcode Reader GUI demo
* minor bug-fixes

1.30.152 (30 April 2010) 
* minor bug-fixes in Compact Framework version (Pocket PC and Windows CE)
+ console version is available now (Bytescout.BarCodeReader.Console.exe) to read barcodes using command line interface
* minor documentation updates

1.30.142 (28 April 2010) 
* minor bug-fixes in Compact Framework version (Pocket PC and Windows CE)

1.30.126 (17 April 2010) 
+ now works in Medium Trust in ASP.NET with new .MediumTrustLevelCompatible property, False by default. Set to .MediumTrustLevelCompatible = True 
* minor bug-fixes and improvements

1.30.122 (17 April 2010) 
+ new 1D barcode reader engine with improved speed and quality, algorithms selection has been removed as deprecated
+ rotated barcodes are supported now
+ ability to get location rectangle coordinates for different barcodes now
+ GS1 barcodes support added
+ minor bug-fixes and improvements
+ GUI demo has been improved

1.12.98 (25 February 2010) 
* minor bug-fixes
+ now includes "Reading from PDF" sample

1.12 (26 October 2009) 
* improved barcode reading functionality 

1.11.69 (6 October 2009) 
* bug with incorrect EAN-2 barcodes has been fixed 

1.11.66 (3 August 2009) 
+ Official release version
* minor bug-fixes

1.10.63 (3 August 2009)
+ .NET 1.10 version have been added
* minor bug-fixes

1.10.58 (4 March 2009)
* minor bug-fixes 

1.10 (2 February 2009)
* improved barcode recognition
+ support for rotated barcodes improved
+ support for noisy images improved
+ freeware BarCode Reader is included into SDK now
+ CF.NET 2.00 dlls are available now (Pocket PC and Windows CE)
* minor bug-fixes and improvements

1.00 (10 October 2008)
+ initial version