Decode Driver License Information (PDF417) - C#
BarCode Reader SDK sample in C# demonstrating ‘Decode Driver License Information (PDF417)’
using System;
using System.IO;
using Bytescout.BarCodeReader;
namespace ReadDriverLicenseInformation
class Program
// Replace barcode input file path here
const string InputFile = "InputBarcodeImage.jpg";
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Reading barcode(s) from image {0}", Path.GetFullPath(InputFile));
Reader reader = new Reader();
reader.RegistrationName = "demo";
reader.RegistrationKey = "demo";
// Set barcode type to find
reader.BarcodeTypesToFind.PDF417 = true;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NOTE: We can read barcodes from specific page to increase performance.
For sample please refer to "Decoding barcodes from PDF by pages" program.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Read barcodes
FoundBarcode[] barcodes = reader.ReadFrom(InputFile);
if(barcodes.Length > 0)
FoundBarcode barcode = barcodes[0];
// Get specific fields:
IdentificationCard identificationCard = barcode.Metadata as IdentificationCard;
if (identificationCard != null)
Console.WriteLine("ID Numer: " + identificationCard.IdNumber);
Console.WriteLine("First Name: " + identificationCard.Name.First);
Console.WriteLine("Middle Name: " + identificationCard.Name.Middle);
Console.WriteLine("Last Name: " + identificationCard.Name.Last);
Console.WriteLine("Sex: " + identificationCard.Sex);
Console.WriteLine("Date Of Birth: " + identificationCard.DateOfBirth);
Console.WriteLine("Address: " + identificationCard.Address);
if (identificationCard is DriversLicense)
DriversLicense driverLicense = (DriversLicense)identificationCard;
Console.WriteLine("Vehicle Class: " + driverLicense.Jurisdiction.VehicleClass);
Console.WriteLine("Endorsement Codes: " + driverLicense.Jurisdiction.EndorsementCodes);
Console.WriteLine("Restriction Codes: " + driverLicense.Jurisdiction.RestrictionCodes);
Console.WriteLine("Could not retrieve AAMVA data from this barcode. Raw value: \r\n" + barcode.Value);
// ... or get the full information as JSON:
string jsonString = reader.ExportFoundBarcodesToJSON();
Console.WriteLine("No barcodes found!");
// Cleanup
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..");
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